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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. That is why I like he one I linked to. Changes with your index finger of you bow hand and can be done at full draw
  2. JJB is right on. Conditions are listed but it isn't like you are guarding the crops and can only take then in the actual act of eating the crops...lol I just got a visual of Eddie running up to the deer and sticking some lettuce leaves in it's mouth. (Honest officer, he was eating the crops)
  3. this is the manufacture I use. Use whatever sight on it you want. http://www.sight-master.com/p44.html
  4. Didn't know Webster had an ordinance.
  5. I shoot a one pin slider now with my new bow. set and zeroed at the bottom point at 25 yards. puts me in the heart from 0 to 30. anything beyond that gives me the time to range and adjust or I don't shoot. Best move I have made. The known yardage at the bottom setting is important so you can make that slide if you have to without looking.
  6. I believe there are many differences but the legality is the bottom line. If they were both legal then the debate moves to the ethical side of the issue.
  7. Ethical and Legal aren't always the same.
  8. depends on the season and what part of each season. I vary from a few hours in morning and evening near home during early bow to full day hunts up NZ for rifle to a full 10 days at camp for SZ opener followed up by full weekends there. then to all day sits during late ML
  9. But that is the goal of the owners on the places I have been on. They just want them gone and expect the guys they give the tags to will produce.
  10. if he gets that point out on his left side he would be a 12. doesn't look scorable to me in the pic. Not really heavy. He will probably gross about 135-138 . wish we had a head on shot of him. Pic is at the end of July. I don't see him making 150
  11. Yes. it can. It was confusing how it was listed. if you buy a hunting license you get 1 antlered only tag buy your first special privilege and you get 1 either sex tag (ML) buy your second special privilege and you get 1 antlerless only tag.( Bow) These special privilege tags and be interchanged between eith special season. Buy doe tags and you can get up to two. In left over second lottery and you can get up to 2 more You can get up to 2 doe tags signed over to you from another hunter. Then you can begin to apply all the screwy regulations for areas like Long Island and 8C where you can basically shoot as many does as you wish. But the above is the basic general regulation for the main area of the state. and to really add a crinkle. your regular season buck tag can be used in the SZ late special season and can be used to take a buck or a doe.
  12. probably having an unadvertised soft opening.
  13. recap that again, since your bow / ML total to 2 tags. one antlerless only and one either sex
  14. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/8351.html look at the links in the upper right hand corner.
  15. If you want a processor, check the DEC web pages and a thread here about the venison donation program. I am betting those that process for donations also process for the hunters.
  16. He's talking about skinning to process the meat. It releases much easier when warm.
  17. we process 10-15 deer a year. at $70 each, no way could we have it taken anywhere. And I think our product is better. Give it a shot. watch a few videos and have at it.
  18. no garage, shed or basement? and just don't ask the neighbor to help...lol.
  19. do you have a spot where you can try it yourself?
  20. http://www.g5outdoors.com/product_detail/25 I like the fact that they cut on contact. Are stout and can be easily resharpened on a normal flat honing stone.
  21. Bottom line is that the dump and pour method is baiting and is illegal. If the folks that want to hunt that way wish to legally, they should be moving to change the law. That would be the right way to do it. Kind of like they are doing for the Unsafe Act that you mentioned.
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