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Culvercreek hunt club

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I think we can all agree that there are laws on the books, Some very recent ones come to mind, that are far from perfect and action to change them can come from conversations such as these. We have seen numerous topics about hunter recruitment on here and what can be done. I would think this one item could fit into a plan nicely with almost no cost impact to implement.
  2. I would try a different scope on it first. That said I had a 7400 in 06 and it was the same thing. 3" @ 100. I shot a lot of deer with it but when I was offered more than I paid for it, it went down the road. My Dad has one in 270 and it shoots about 1.5 @100
  3. And I think a FREE mentor license would accomplish all the above. show up and the info is in the system if you are still able to hold a license they issue a mentor license that allows you to accompany a youth and assist in the process in a teaching capacity.
  4. I agree, the whole concept sucks and is anything but an encouragement to get the kids out.
  5. Huh? Let me know. I will take the venison off your hands for you...LOL
  6. To be honest I about never look at that hot list. I almost always hit the "view new content" button in the upper right. It is every post in the order they are replied to. very easy to sift through what I want to read and don't and see what I have participated in. About the only thing I go directly to the forum sections for is the recipes or the classifieds.
  7. One of these articles actually said it was a regulation to plant the seeds back. Very interesting stuff.
  8. Check out Rochester Personal Defense website. They offer classes all the time and have a varied schedule and class offering. http://www.safeinrochester.com/
  9. From his title he has the permit already. I believe this is his desire to take the course not a mandate.
  10. And get the grandson involved in the contact. Have him write a letter to his local DEC. might be another wonderful lesson you can share with him.
  11. I heard the next one is in Boise Idaho. Is that near you...LOL. Give us a bit of info and maybe some knows of some near you. As far as the pistol. A bit of info there would also help. What experience do you have with pistols? what do you plan on doing with it and how often? Is it going to be a daily carry? only when in the woods? hunting?
  12. Actually he did answer it. It is the law. Like many of them in this state, it doesn't always make sense. I could see the benefit of a formal mentor program but there currently isn't one. SO the answer is yes you need one.
  13. I agree. If they are truly interested in maintaining the sport, maybe a "Mentor" license. To be used to accompany only. (I know...some will abuse...they always do)
  14. The ROW is a very simple question to get answered. It is on the deed/map if it exists. description, location and width is usually included. The property I lease has a one mile ROW and isn't a problem. The land owners of the land it passes through can not do anything to impede our access. I don't understand the comments that without road frontage it can't be built on. Where are you guys getting that? I can understand for a truly land locked property but why one with a deeded ROW?
  15. I go on the recent section all the time to keep up on what is new and active. Am I missing something or does it require too much self control to just not click o the topics? I know many of them are right up there with watching a train wreck. Horrible to see but we just can't help ourselves. LOL. There have been several good threads in that section and with November coming up I think it is just another tool to keep members up to speed. I don't read every thread on the forum, just the ones that seem interesting to me. the others I just don't open.
  16. "Cuse, Be VERY VERY VERY careful canning meats without a pressure canner. water baths are not sufficient to kill the creepy crawlies. Eggs are another tough one, because they are so dense. water bath is only suitable for acidic non meat items. I would store in the fridge until you consume them. They will keep for months in the fridge in the brine. I do all my eggs like that.
  17. couple questions. Once you poured the hot canning liquid over them did you pressure can them, hot water bath? Are you storing in the Fridge?
  18. Seriously though I have used them quite will as a substitute for your favorite chicken noodle soup recipe. Just start with a good chicken broth as a base.
  19. Take 2 pounds of boneless goose breast add 6 cups of chicken broth add 2 chopped carrots 3 diced potatos 3 chopped stalks of celery bring to boil add old work boot simmer for 3 hours remove old work boot throw remaining contents on the garden and eat the work boot.
  20. Local laws vary but as far as I know it is not illegal in NY to carry in a bank or in a bar. The only trouble you could get in is being asked to leave. Govt buildings I agree and well as some parks. They have laws against that. Not the previous
  21. Guns are like Spandex. Just because you can doesn't mean you should...lol
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