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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Just seems like a waste of effort and halk hearted just as their last one was. Look back at their results and their margin of errors on some of the hot topics. IMO I think the last one did more to muddy the waters than the clear up where the hunters really stood.
  2. He was joking guys...trying to get feathers ruffled.
  3. I can agree that the bias can be imparted in a small sample poll. The questions could be much clearer in a voting proposal that is utilizing all the big game hunting population.
  4. What would be so difficult in putting this together. every waterfowler goes through a similiar process in registering and getting their HIP number. Seems pretty simple to me. I guess I am missing the basic ability to understand complex issues. Bottom line is. If they really wanted to know what everyone wanted they could easily find out.
  5. Nah. They want to shoot a 1.5 year old 6 point and slap each others backs that they passed the 1.5 spike. Lol
  6. I am not saying the numbers of bucks older than 1.5 haven't gone up. But to say they weren't there before because you didn't see them is a stretch don't you think?
  7. Sweet buck Sam. Can't wait to hear the details.
  8. sounds like you are describing filling the system?
  9. My mistake. Our Maryland Office in in the Mayfield area...lol.
  10. I don't think any of MD's gun seasons have opened yet. I think they pur a week of ML in the middle of Bow.
  11. That is just messed up at the end. Awesome Vid
  12. Hey. That is a fill?drain valve. On each fin tube onthe supply side there is probably a 90 or Tee and on the top will be a small needle valve. This is where the air will accumulate and where you vent it.
  13. Actually the proposition is not whether it will be legal or illegal for a person to gamble or not. The State Constitution has provisions that need to be alters to allow it. Currently the constitution does not allow for activities like table games. (notice how they skirted around it for things like Video terminals and lotteries). THis is actually the correct way to go about it and if they wanted to modify the state constitution to eliminate the 2nd ammendment they should have attempted a similiar route as well. (Same goes for the National but they know it would never fly- Hence the end around). To be honest the ones opposing this measure and against what took place under the UnSafe Act are really being pretty consistent if you view both as upholding the Constitution.
  14. One is my Father so I have a vested interest as well. I do have to say that I don't ever remember anyone on here that is against them ever say the physically disabled shouldnl't be able to use them. I do think the crossbow proponnents screwed up a bit. They should have gone for more realistic useage for the physically challenged first and foremost. It would have been a more nobel cause to ge the ball rolling. That would have done some good and not got it tangled in the other PR mess that it did.
  15. I know. I was just making the point that they aren't really on the same level. I would put it more at the level of the public smoking ban.
  16. Actually there are many reasons why a gun hunter couldn't pick up a bow. I know three that can't and all are different physical reasons
  17. For a proposed major cultural shift in NY hunting this should be a mandatory response at the time of license sales.
  18. It is usually where the horns are involved in the damage. Like Orchards and nurseries becasue of rubbing damage. The one I use to go and fill tags for had $75,000 in just rubbing damage in one year. once that tree is scarred it is worthless in the market. There was never a requirement to turn over horns on those permits.
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