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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. The drinks are the problem. How many of you have seen the person sitting on two chairs In McDonalds...couple big macs, large fries, nice hot fudge sundae and a diet coke. Come on you got the visual and you know you have...lol
  2. I do too becasue it makes me think a bit as to how easy it is to pass a law on a piss poor situation or action...but how far do we go. Never seems to be a big deal and may make sense on the surface. But where should it stop. If it truely makes sense for one step...why not take it all the way?
  3. Oh....starbucks drinks in Venti...those are 20 oz and some have as much sugar as sodas. why not ice cream. who needs two scoops? Let's make stores only serve single scoops. Simple starch foods ....Oh pasta...mmmmmm let's make it illegal to serve over a single serving. 2 ounces. Hell let's do it with all foods. Illegal to serve or sell over what is considered a single serving. Let's make it illegal to consume over 1800 calories in a day. It is for the betterment of society right?
  4. I use to get it easily as a kid. I basically had it every summer. I don't seem to get it now.
  5. SO Joe walks into Burger King and they have the self serve fountains. Are we going to post a cop at each one of those to make sure the 64 oz super king sized cup is actually having Diet put in it? Joe can still buy large size in Diet but who is going to police him to make sure that is what he put in the cup? Oh and you haven't touched the comment about since this is such a plague on society...why a food stamp program still allowed to purchase the sugary drinks?
  6. So I buy 2 16 ounce drins in stead of the 20. How are they enforcing that? I am in the law ans drinking more than the one 20
  7. ummm. I know it is a foreign consept to you but it is about personal accountability and freedom. You don't see the uselessness of it? How uninforcable it is?
  8. It is a law that does nothing except make libs such as yourself feel good
  9. Make them ineligible on the welfare food programs before you try to dictate what people who earn them can do. Even the 2008 reform left those drinks as eligible. Remove them entirely from that program if they are such a weight on society
  10. Of course he would... He has to be baiting. No one can really be that ignorant...can they? Well let me take that back. there must be folks like that. They voted for it. restrictions on freedoms are great when they aren't restricting you. It is a feel good BS law. so now they will by 2 16 ounce drinks rather than the 20 or 24.
  11. I have had it aged and have had very aged beef. There is a definite 'taste' to the aged stuff. Personally I am not fond of it but I know others that like it. I find if it is a tenderness issue just shoot the ones with spots on them...lol. Seriously though most people that tell me they don't like the taste of venison or it is tough....when I ask them how they order their steak they say 'well'. ------medium...medium rare is where it is at.
  12. Aside from opening weekend, the thousands of acres that boarder my leased land in 7R is barely hunted. After Thanksgiving weekend you don't even hear shots on it. I know the deer are still there becasue I swing over there if I have enough snow to track. I grew up hunting state land and I think you are right. the pressure on it seemed more and seemed to last longer than the first weekend.
  13. That is true. if it is a 2 item $12 order or a $100 order.....always 10 minutes.
  14. I have two very good friend in Ohio and they paint a much different picture especially the private land acces and the use of available unting land. I am glas you have had a better results.. I have no first hand exerience in that state. Portions of Ohio are a fairly new buzz on the trophy destination list. I will be curious how your experience holds up as the years progress. The other 2 guys I hunt with are in on a lease in sub prime property in Illinois. They beat the bushes for 2 years to try and find public and free private land. they ende up on a 4 man lease for 1 week of gun ) $10.000. Bow leases were higher per week and was totally booked. I don't find NY to be difficult to find property. I guess it is hit and miss on what doors you knock on. If NY is that bad for you know what do you think would happen if we became the new hot spot?
  15. and for an FYI.....NEVER BURN IT. to someone that is very sensative to it ...it can be deadly.
  16. NY---I honestly took my first buck not knowing it was a buck. I am sure some of it was young inexperience and dad and I had a doe tag between us. broad side walked out about 50 yards away. Stopped. eating and I dumped it. 3-1/2 " spikes layed right into the ear pockets. I was one happy camper but wouldn't have been if it had been AR. Not sure how my age would have played in since I was 17 but just trying to show...things can happen.
  17. There is no way that enough licenses are bieing sold to spouses, kids, whoever that isn't really hunting to make up that big difference in sales. The licenses are just too expensive for it to be that wide spread. If you want to maintain that the same could be said though for buying additional license for bow. same concept i guess. Every year I hear the same talk about how our deer hunting quality sucks how gun season it too long. how we need to be more like the mid western big buck states. Well this will be my 26th bow season and my 31st gun season and I think our opportunities are fine. I also hear about how it is so hard to get access to property to hunt here in NY. We have some great state land and if you think access to private land is hard now, just hold on to your hat should we ever become one of the big buck states so many wat us to be. Take a trip out to Illinois, Iowa, south central Ohio and find public property to hunt ot find a landowner to allow you to hunt their property for free. not impossible but let me know how you make out. I can just see the threads years from now yearning for the good ole' days when we had land to hunt and how we would trade the 'quality big buck hunting' for some access to actually hunt.
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