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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. You are wrong John. By definition if the number of the quarry increases it IS easier. and those 3.5's and 4.5's and even 5.5's DID exist in every WMU prior to AR's That is a fact and a guarantee. They were taken, just not in the quantity that the huntes wanted.
  2. Joe, If the DEC is not doing it to grow bigger buck to sup[ort an expressed desire then why are they doing it in their view? They keep expressing in their report that they se no biologic benefit to them. If you take the biologice benefit out what is left except growing bigger bucks? I agree the QDM is not thought of it was originally designed to be but in reality the average Joe (no pun intended) doesn't have the means to participate in the entire program. I believe the majority of hunters either hunt on state land or private property they do not own and therefore can't modify for habitat improvement. That is where I think participation in organizations Like QDMA may fit in. But my involvement in this is still early so the jury is still out for me. Now the burr in my side. I see guys that don't want it as tagged as "brown and down' 'bambi killers' 'meat hunters' and more. and I see most of them admitt they are and that horns are not a priority for them. Very rarely do I see hunters in favor of AR admit it is bout bigger hors for them. They come up with every excuse as to why they are for it but just like an addict they can't admitt they have a problem...lol,. If a hunter says straight up to me "I wan't it becasue I want it to be easier for me to shoot a bigger racked buk" I can respect that. I still am not going to agree to restrict other hunters that don't have that goal to feed the addiction but I can respect the honesty. The other BS window dressing I have no use for.
  3. Born. My standards are above anything NY has or is likely to start. I cant support the change being forced. It should be sold. And getring on a high horse and pushing imaginary saftey benefits and calling those that dont buy in unaafe wont sell it
  4. .I totally understand what you are saying. I also under stand the need to make sure of the points. you guys are just totally besides yourselves wonder why on earth anyone would oppose the AR's.. THese are some of the issues why peopl won't sign on. We have a guy on this thread basically saying if you can't tell how many points is on a deer you are equal to the guy shooting a baby in a crib? You are an unsafe hunter if you cna't tell how many points it had? I think it is all bull$hit to be honest and if you are taking these approaches to try to win support ...good luck with that. These threads and the views and attitudes of many of the AR supporters is just why it will have to be shoved down NY huinters throats on a statewide basis. and kind of reinforces in my head why I am pissing up a rope to focus on education in QDMA.
  5. Covert, You are 100% correct becasue once it had 3" it was good to go and if I had a doe tag in my pocket it could be 2-1/2 for all it mattered. But even from his own statement this is not an AR thing to him. If you can't make a detailed of an identificatiion as he feels , you are unsafe as a hunter. I am not putting words in his mouth, just believeing he means what he says.
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protein_Sparing_Modified_Fast PSMF----- Something about hin ingesting Protein. who knows. BBG from theurban dictionary--- bbg beautiful baby girl. Used to describe anything cute/desirable. Widely used as a colloquial term between two females. Girl 1: I love your sunskirt today! Girl 2: Awwww thanks bbg! So I guess I have no idea what he meant...lol
  7. When I was smoking last January the cost of a pack down south was less than $4 a pack while NY was just short of $10 so NY has to have at least $6 a pack coming in.
  8. His opinion sounds pretty clear in his statement
  9. Maybe I am unsafe and a slob hunter but I bet there hasn't been 3 bucks where I knew how many points they actually had.
  10. If that is really the desire., Why not make the tax , say, $100 a pack?
  11. Safari honeymoon....doesn't get better than that. Congrat on the wedding and the hunt
  12. Seems like you are tying the ability to count points to how safe a hunter is.
  13. You can't compare what was with what is now AR. If I a hunter saw horn above the ears they could lay it down. now they can't. Now they may be spendin more time counting points than looking for the orange dot in the background.
  14. And there in lies the issue for some. there is a category of buck that can't be tagges with either tag. (Kind of the point of the regulation but also the tiger trap). In the current regulation structure if you have a buck tag and a DMP all you have to woory about is making a good and safe shot. If it is over 3" you have it covered...if it is under 3" you have it covvered too. In AR areas now you have to worry about counting points. I hated to bring this up but I have been thinking about it all through this thread. I know I will get flamed but I am not saying it is true....just wondering. Could we possibly be making it less safe for some hunters out ther with this AR requirement. Are we asking hunters to spend more time trying to determine a point count that we are on making a safe shot or even determining if to shoot at all. Could they be so focused on the point count that they mis other safety cues?
  15. If the set up and string is brand new it will stretch in the first 100 arrows. Nime usually needs to be put into a press and the string twisted to get teh peep back in line and the string loop sitting straight out back. THis time of year I usually don't shoot more than about 25 arrows a session. your muscles do get tired and if will effect the groups. IMO
  16. Bigger fanny pack to fit the tie iron in...problem solved...lol. Just kidding!!
  17. I think they are going for a jerky type disc. the snack sticks ate not as dried out as that. Mine were just a bit more moist than a slim jim and would break when bent. The discs would take too much room in the smoker but would plobably work ok on dehydrator trays. Mine are all gone now. The first two deer are going to be totally put into sticks. (that sounded optimistic didn't it..lol)
  18. Had it happen about a month ago. I told him I was shooting handloads and I thought the manual was way to conservative in the allowable pwoder charge and I thought my gun could take it. He didn't hang around.
  19. I have heard the whole tarp or blanket hink over the box trap. I still like the conibear idea better. They are dead before they can even spray.
  20. I have never seen smoking at Borrks but I was just shooting at another club and they were. Hadn't really thought about it until you said that. I quit smoking 7 months ago and the smell bothered me but I didn't even think how weird it was to see smoking in a bar. Must be because it is private club they can?
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