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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I hear the best bear spray is made by.......ummmmmm. What was the name of those two companies.......ummmmmm Oh yeah....Remington and Mossberg
  2. Is it just me or does anybody else laugh every time you read anise oil?
  3. ""For example, a black bear that grabbed 11-year-old Samuel Ives from his family’s tent in Utah’s American Fork Canyon in 2007, killing him, had apparently slashed another tent earlier that day. Last week, a judge awarded the family $1.95 million, saying the federal Forest Service should have warned them about a dangerous bear. "" Here is a news flash for the Judge----you camp in a tent out in the wild, in bear country. Bad things could happen. It isn't the Hyatt >
  4. Ditto Karp. That will take any deer or bear you are going to run across and still have very nice ballistics. Good luck with it. Are you scoping it?
  5. I think it is crap that they don't have it on the same day over here. I understand why it used to be that way since the hunter numbers in the woods that first week are high....but I hear more and more guys having issues with them and the number of wrecks with autos seems to be trending up like mention before.
  6. Where would that be?Dave South Central and South West....over where they grow big without the AR...
  7. Yeah.....for you catskill area hunters it is.....Over where the real hunting takes place it doesn't...lol
  8. they open a week later than deer in Southern teir...and I think it is bear scat al well. At this point in the season there really aren't any berries to feed on. main stay of diet is grasses unless they get lucky and find carion. Very common this time of year to see bear scat with a smooth mass and when they first get out of the den it can be very loose ...almost diarreha...hope no one is eating breakfast
  9. Good point Bball. look at these charts. 7mm-.08---last line 150 gr SP http://www.shootingtimes.com/ballistics/7mm_08_rem.html .308 ---17th line down 150gr SP with about the same muzzle velocity and energy http://www.shootingtimes.com/ballistics/308_winchester.html shows what you are saying with energy at distances. But I wonder how much difference there needs to be to actually "feel" a difference. i think we need a Hunting NY double blind field trial...lol
  10. I am with you on that.....mine has never fallen short ....as long as I do what I am supposed to do
  11. LOL......Bball...you hit one of my other pet peeves. recoil. now if we just look at a ballistic chart and muzzle energy values. It has been years and years since physics class so bare with me. The muzzle energy is directly proportional to the felt recoil. a gun shooting 2 different powder charges with the same weight bullet will have a higher muzzle energy for the higher powder charge....and a higher felt recoil. but if we take any caliber, any powder charge and any bullet ....if the energy at the muzzle is the same.....the felt recoil should be the same....Right? assuming the same style (bolt, auto loader) and weight gun. so we have 2 bolt actions of the same weight..... if a .308 of a given combination ....and a 7mm-.08 of another combination have the same muzzle energy.....the recoil should feel the same..... There are several 7mm-.08 and .308 rounds that have the same muzzle energy so recoil should be similiar. The benefit of the 7mm is the much lighter bullets are more available than they are for the .308 so the two people you talked about might be shooting like a 125 gr round. I know I can feel the difference in the 165's and the 180's i shoot out of my .06. Hard to believe 15 grains can make a difference....or maybe it is just in my head
  12. Didn't mean it to sound angry or with a chip on my shoulder guys. I don't have a dog in this fight. I shoot an .06...lol Just conveying my discussion with my buddies and was hoping someone had a justification they couldn't come up with. They are gadget guys....surprised one of them hasn't bought a 50 cal. yet due to all the internet videos
  13. Wel the guys posting the difficulty of reassembling the gun may just be a little more capable with a keyboard than anything mechanical . I have never come across a typical hunting gun that if you look at the exploded parts view and have any mechanical inclination you can't take apart and reassemble. Just have to pay attention to order and keep things organized....oh and do it in one sitting!! a couple days off between the pile of parts and the reassembled gun can make it a bear...lol
  14. Ok guys...some one clue me in. Am I missing something. I have two friends that swear by their 7mm-08. They hunt deer and bear with it and have never conveyed any problems with it. I asked them why they opted for that rather than a good old fashioned .308 and could not get a good response other than they both like the next new coolest thing. In my view the ammo for a .308 is more readily available, cheaper and I really can't see a recoil or ballistic difference to justify the choice. The one thing the 7mm does have is a much wider selection of bullets under 150 grains. If this was a varmit/predator/deer/black bear gun I could see the sizing down option. If I was taeget shooting and mainly hunting deer and bear I would probably go with the .308. The .308 I believe is the 7.62 NATO wich does give an option for surplus ammo.
  15. I use to use the free flight....hated that it was always in my palm. I went with a wrist strap rather than a hand held just because I didn't want to drop it. Pluss I felt more steady holding the weight of the bow with my arm rather than my fingers. FYI you can buy a replacement glove for the free flights. I use to use one for target practice and leagues but switched it during hunting season. Simple screw and it is done. This keeps the "feel" of the release mechanism the same for you.
  16. Just wondering if you could give more info on the type of target shooting you are talking about. .......Just for fun?.....100 yard and under?....300 Yard .....1000 yard.........competition? Like the guys mentioned before there are cost considerations....and at longer ranges...ballistic considerations.
  17. Record or no record......still one impressive set of gear. I would love to see one like that in the woods. 200 inches of horn is pretty amazing.
  18. Joe, in your drawing......slide the g3 two inches down the beam....leave the beam high in between 2 and 3.......it still wouldn't count then would it? It would be sharing a base?
  19. Best sentence in the whole article...."My results suggest that hunter effort is likely more responsible for buck harvest than any other single variable."
  20. It never got to panel, Joe. Just so I get this clear. If the beam is very thick between 2 tines and the imaginary line drawn...in ths cas before the G2 to after the G3......The area between the 2 and 3 would be considered a common base?....regardless of the distance between 2 and 3? What if the main was thick for 6" between 2 and 3? still common base? THat is my biggest fault with these groups...it is too subjective. I would love to see a book just on the shear volume of horn....no guess work there
  21. Only fault I see in this system is......you need the crook to be able to read Funny...thanks
  22. And this article clearly demonstrates why all these "clubs" and "books"are a POS. Just more politics
  23. try these http://www.deeranddeerhunting.com/deer-news/king-buck-more-photos http://www.deeranddeerhunting.com/deer-news/king-buck-exclusive-story-07
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