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Culvercreek hunt club

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Good luck with the sales and glad to see you around Shawn. BUT This is just one more reason to never go near the $hithole of NYC.
  2. I have a good one I saw. It was a public launch with some docks used for the day only. 2 guys launched a 14' aluminum boat with about a 15 or 25 horse on it. They backed in and got it off without a hitch. They began to pull and pull and pull some more to start it. Wouldn't start. They kind of walked it out of the way from the ramp into one of the dock areas. Very polite thing to do. The docks intersected right where they tied the bow up to a cleat on the dock. nice right angle corner and the bow tied in all nice and tight while they fiddled with the motor. They were pulling and spraying started fluid and this went on for about 1/2 an hour. I was on the dock next one over holding the line while my buddy parked his boat and trailer. Well the darn motor finally started and it was whining at high rpm and I have no idea on how they did it but they popped into gear. the bow ran up into the "V" in the dock until the bow line ran out of slack and then the transom started to head down. AND it didn't stop until the motor was under water, the boat was swamped and all their tackle boxes and coolers were floating away.
  3. Whitetail in the most pursued game animal in the US. I have to say that bunny hunting behind a good dog is what I first started doing so it has a soft spot for me. I did really enjoy training my Springer and upland hunting with him though
  4. when we cut up deer we bulk vacuum seal a big bag from each deer. What normally would be ground and stew. Label it "chunk" and we do sausage on Daytona 500 weekend. This year I think it was 140#. since we had some of other stuff left over from the previous year we only did bologna and hotdogs this year.
  5. I figured that. Didn’t really know any of those case capacities, speeds and energies. I find it odd that the state that wants to regulate everything hasn’t set a minimum.
  6. Al and G-man, What is the smallest commercially produced centerfire ammunition that is made? Just to see what the legal bottom is in NY. is it the 204 Ruger?
  7. is the 204 a bigger case than the 17 hornet? I know the reg is for centerfire rounds only but I am not that familiar with the small centerfires.
  8. I just renewed my license at the end of May. Entire section that was check a box for the political party you want to be registered with. Don't let anyone tell you this isn't about votes.
  9. I'm not really either I guess. I'd consider myself a hunter. Love the venison and really like doing things like making our own sausage to enjoy. But I enjoy the challenge of the process. (not just the hunt). I enjoy the satisfaction of practicing with an implement and trying to master it. (or get as good as I can get...lol). That is one reason I do things like getting into reloading, bought a crossbow and will be hunting this year with a recurve during archery. It's why I went to an Encore platform for some of my hunting. (I know Pygmy....so sorry about carrying that ugly gun). I practice to understand my limitation with each weapon. That way I can make the most humane kill I can. Bad decisions and pushing beyond ones skill set it a huge contributing factor of some of the horror stories we all hear during the season. Thanks for the acknowledgment on the F2F program. We are excited to get it rolling again this year. We have picked up some new mentors becasue of what they saw in the program and wanted to be a part of it. With more mentors we are upping the class size and right now we have 7 confirmed that are going to participate.
  10. We've heard the stories about your buddy with the 243 and you keep saying that the slower heavier bullets are better for not damaging meat. I want to make two suggestions for you and him. You may want to look into either or both and adopt them. Like I said in an earlier post, I've shot nuisance deer with a 22-250. Quite a few of them actually. There was no meat damage. I have also seen deer taken with your favorite caliber 30-06 that were absolutely destroyed. One of the biggest and slowest rounds I have hunted and grew up around could devastate the meat on a deer. an old 12 gauge foster slug. You know what all those had in common that actually caused the meat damage. A bad impact location or piss poor bullet selection. If you make good choices on both of those you will minimize any damage. So I would suggest doing a little homework and learning about ballistics / bullet construction and I'd spend some extra time at the range. Whether it is a recurve, crossbow, a .223 or a 45-70 I find the weakest link and the cause of the issues with lost deer and meat damage is the person that lets the projectile go.
  11. His point is valid to your comment on THIS topic though. If your comment was valid about it not being "dumb" to "drop down" then there would be a lot of dumb folks in the country. Folks are dumb to use traditional archery equipment when a compound or crossbow is legal to use. Folks are dumb to use a pistol when a shotgun or rifle is legal to use. The list goes on and on and a big part of why a lot of people hut is becasue of the challenge of it.
  12. They are on a freshwater lake this year. It sure seemed like the ocean provide a wider variety and more food.
  13. Nuisance tag filling. A little over 225 yards was furthest usually 100 and under. Right behind the front shoulders and they folded right there. It Jellied the internals.
  14. How many of you have to face off against the bold jumping spiders in your treestand (seats and rail pads) every year?
  15. Yeah in his interview and after they dropped him off he kept saying "I am gonna make Vancouver my biotch" . Then he ran out just short of tears. Big pussy.
  16. I have a female friend of mine that is selling her Father's boat. Nice little rig and perfect for those waters that don't allow the big boys, like hemlock and Canadice. She's a tad nervous about her phone number being on the internet so if your interested, PM ma and I'll get you in contact with her. 14' 1984 Sea Nymph Boat & Trailer Includes 3.0 H.P Outboard Motor Trolling Motor Flotation Pads, Life Preservers and Misc. Accessories $1200.00 Firm Not Interested in Trade Located in Byron, NY
  17. Ponder this. Current NY law requires that the Commissioner includes a section on the drivers license application forms to allow for voter registration. (Google "Motor Voter" law). These new bills forbid the Commissioner from asking questions about legal citizenship status. I know it may sound like I have a tinfoil hat on but I can't believe this was an oversight.
  18. Senate Bill 1747-B also calls for a section to be accessible for inclusion in the selective service registry.
  19. 3. Subdivision 1 of section 502 of the vehicle and traffic law, as amended by chapter 465 of the laws of 2012, the third undesignated para- graph as amended by chapter 248 of the laws of 2016, is amended to read as follows: 1. Application for license. Application for a driver's license shall be made to the commissioner. The fee prescribed by law may be submitted with such application. The applicant shall furnish such proof of identi- ty, age, and fitness as may be required by the commissioner. WITH RESPECT TO A NON-COMMERCIAL DRIVER'S LICENSE OR LEARNER'S PERMIT WHICH DOES NOT MEET FEDERAL STANDARDS FOR IDENTIFICATION, IN ADDITION TO THE ACCEPTABLE PROOFS OF AGE AND IDENTITY APPROVED BY THE COMMISSIONER AS OF JANUARY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND NINETEEN, ACCEPTABLE PROOF OF IDENTITY SHALL ALSO INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, A VALID, UNEXPIRED FOREIGN PASSPORT ISSUED BY THE APPLICANT'S COUNTRY OF CITIZENSHIP (WHICH SHALL ALSO BE ELIGIBLE AS PROOF OF AGE), A VALID, UNEXPIRED CONSULAR IDENTIFICATION DOCUMENT ISSUED BY A CONSULATE FROM THE APPLICANT'S COUNTRY OF CITIZEN- SHIP, OR A VALID FOREIGN DRIVER'S LICENSE THAT INCLUDES A PHOTO IMAGE OF THE APPLICANT AND WHICH IS UNEXPIRED OR EXPIRED FOR LESS THAN TWENTY- FOUR MONTHS OF ITS DATE OF EXPIRATION, AS PRIMARY FORMS OF SUCH PROOF. NOTHING CONTAINED IN THIS SUBDIVISION SHALL BE DEEMED TO PRECLUDE THE COMMISSIONER FROM APPROVING ADDITIONAL PROOFS OF IDENTITY AND AGE. The commissioner may also provide that the application procedure shall include the taking of a photo image or images of the applicant in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed by the commissioner. In addition, the commissioner also shall require that the applicant provide his or her social security number [and] OR, IN LIEU THEREOF, WITH RESPECT TO AN APPLICATION FOR A NON-COMMERCIAL DRIVER'S LICENSE OR LEARNER'S PERMIT WHICH DOES NOT MEET FEDERAL STANDARDS FOR IDENTIFICA- TION, AN AFFIDAVIT SIGNED BY SUCH APPLICANT THAT THEY HAVE NOT BEEN ISSUED A SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. THE COMMISSIONER ALSO shall provide space on the application so that the applicant may register in the New York state organ and tissue donor registry under section forty-three hundred ten of the public health law with the following stated on the application in clear and conspicuous type:
  20. If it's blued and black stock you are $200 to the good out of the box. You can't go wrong with this gun.
  21. I have never seen this before. Might want to grab one (Two actually) for a Father's day gift or for anyone that hunts. (and a gift to you of course) Buy one and get one free. The subscription to the Quality Whitetail magazine is worth the cost in itself. https://www.qdma.com/fathersday/?fbclid=IwAR2sXZSxEKaksOmIx7I_3z2gCrcLEfgGT_ZQ3Tc7-pfhIeKf7TIHjMvq3KY
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