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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I love pickled pigs feet. The pickled pig hocks are better and more meat. Cut up and on a cracker with some spicy mustard they are awesome. Of course I also like Limburger cheese sandwiches with onion and spicy mustard on rye...lol
  2. One thing I will be adding to my pack this fall is a Tick Key. I picked up an additional one so I have one to carry and one in the pack
  3. I get it, but when discussing worldwide popularity and how the men can get so much more press and pay, I think it is important to see the whole list. In some of these countries it's almost cult like in how they follow their teams.
  4. FIFA ranks over 200 Men's teams and 155 women's teams. So I would assume they have national soccer teams. Looking down the list I have to say that I have heard of all the countries but if you offered me a million $$ to lust tell you what continent they were all on, I would fail miserably. https://www.fifa.com/fifa-world-ranking/ranking-table/women/
  5. They could have went on strike and stuck to their guns. They chose not to. They are getting paid to play a game. If they struck there would have been a line of women to take their spots and been happy about it.
  6. It is probably the least expensive major sport to play and outfit. I think that is why it is so popular across the world. Kids grew up playing it so it is what they know and enjoy.
  7. Yet they signed a collective bargaining agreement anyway. Maybe they will do their homework next time.
  8. Why did the representatives negotiate the deal? The largest disparity IS from the world bonus pot from what I am seeing.
  9. Business A and B employees are union and negotiate their respective contracts with their employers. Business B, even though not as profitable participates in a world wide market that has a much bigger bonus structure. Business A believes that because their market has such a smaller bonus structure in their world market that they should receive a portion of Business B's bonuses so everything is equal?
  10. This is a very good article that separates the wages earned by the team paid by their "Employers" and the bonus structure of the World tournament. Of note is that the teaks are "unions' negotiated their contracts and accepted them. Sounds to me like the women should be getting some better negotiators to represent them. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/07/08/are-us-womens-soccer-players-really-earning-less-than-men/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.1ca97873b002
  11. Are you claiming all the men make the same amount as each other and all the women make the same as each other?
  12. I have seen some reports that don't jive with what Phade put out there. Actually the top player son the US men's and women's teams are not off by that much from one another. I saw these numbers tossed around as well. "When viewed objectively—based on how much money each competition generates—women actually make more than men. How so? Well, there is a sizable difference in the revenue available to pay the male and female teams. According to Mike Oznian, a writer for Forbes, the 2015 Women’s World Cup “brought in almost $73 million, of which the players got 13%. The 2010 men’s World Cup in South Africa made almost $4 billion, of which 9% went to the players.” Last year, the men’s World Cup in Russia generated more than $6 billion in revenue; the participating teams shared about $400 million. That is less than 7 percent of overall revenue. Meanwhile, the 2019 Women’s World Cup made somewhere in the region of $131 million, doling out $30 million, well more than 20 percent of collected revenue, to the participating teams. It seems a pay gap does exist, after all."
  13. 8 acres on one and up to 500+ acres on another. With some in between. I'd rather have the right 5 than the wrong 200
  14. These are great low ground pressure vehicles, especially if you put the tracks over the wheels.
  15. to me it is like having a pet. If you can't take care of it properly, then you shouldn't have it. I get the weather being hard to anticipate but night come every day.
  16. Also should be taken down and not flown in inclement weather.
  17. I don't think for a minute that many know how the flag is supposed to be handled or not handled. Not handling it properly IS disrespect so I agree with you. My point was it was being promoted that they dropped it to purposely walk on the flag as a protest. That is not what I saw in the video.
  18. I think she is a POS but in all honesty I don't think they were walking on the flag. It looks like the one woman that was holding it has NO idea what proper respect and etiquette is for the flag (as is the case for many young folks) and dropped it to do their little dance thing. The one woman that walked in and picked it up when she saw it hit the ground knew what was proper.
  19. When you buy one and want to dump the 45-70 for your Encore, let me know...lol
  20. Going back on my Boy Scout training, knot tying is probably THE biggest thing I still use today. Not too much you can't handle with the following. Taughtline hitch Timber hitch Clove Hitch Two half hitch Sheepshank or Trumpeters knot Square knot and Sheet bend AND the one handed bowline and being able to tie it with either hand. Really assists if you need help and are below rescue. If I had to add skills for survival I would definitely add how to properly lash as well as splicing rope.
  21. I like Fireball way better. (better than JB, NOT Mila...she rocks) I wonder if I can get her for the spokeswoman for the Buckfart Distillery?
  22. If you can find an old Boy Scout Field Book like this one, it does a GREAT job with knots. (along with many other topics. It isn't "advanced" but would be a great read for anyone into the outdoors. This isn't their normal Boy Scout manual with badges and what not. https://www.etsy.com/listing/689369338/boy-scouts-of-america-field-book-for?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_c-art_and_collectibles-collectibles-memorabilia-other&utm_custom1=5df1c0ba-d171-406d-ba87-3914f777936d&utm_content=go_304499675_22746182795_78727425515_pla-314954652373_c__689369338&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpPHoBRC3ARIsALfx-_J6cS6LE2ZFpp0voCd-j1HfhlR_ZOwJhvfpbgDni3dyV5xdIcdCqhcaAnehEALw_wcB
  23. Since they are used for high temp baking I can see that working. The water keeps the container material below 212 degrees and the combustion temp of the bags and paper is higher than that.
  24. Honestly both of the packs come off the frames with ease. The Omega is like a semi tractor trailer in terms of room. I really like that it can be vertically separated so the smaller compartments have access from the outside and you don't have to do the the bottom of the back through the top. OR you can open it up and carry larger items.
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