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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Or the opponents were fearful of... Do you remember the "Critical- Red Alert" email they sent out opposing it? SO if it was only during "their" bow season that they didn't want it, when DID they want it? With small game seasons, turkey season and predator seasons open during bow you must wear orange during all bow season?
  2. You should try it. I hunt those days and have yet to hear a shot. Given that logic do you stay out of the woods any time there are concurrent firearms seasons?
  3. So they were ok with a gun youth hunt as long as it was in gun season. That your point?
  4. You are wrong Doc. They lined up hand in hand to oppose the Youth gun hunt for deer. Sure they had different motives but they sure carried the same messages.
  5. The date is already set so mark your calendars. March 14th, 2020
  6. Thank you. It was the right thing to do. I typically don't play many of the large prize games like the 50/50 raffle and such. I just don't feel like it would look right with me winning. we say up front our Volunteers will be playing. I got into this one becasue there literally was a 5 gallon pail of tickets for the #12 knife. I had the auctioneer draw it becasue I ws in it and said on the mic I was in it but never win anything and he pulled my number lol. It really was a great night all around. didn't really have anything go wrong.
  7. It's a brand. It is actually pretty darn good if I don't say so myself. (guess I just did...lol).
  8. She was a wonderful young lady. Heads above the other applicants for the scholarship. That rack I included the pic of is 178-1/8 gross. That was her 2018 buck the buck she got her first season at 15 years old had to be over 130 and might push 140. Even giving her a scholarship and drawing her ticket for the gun, I still couldn't weasel an invite to the farm they hunt...lol
  9. just a couple more. Had to include the Patriotic Rifle Game. It was VERY popular
  10. I pick the one most flattering to me. Honestly I didn't give you a second of consideration...lol
  11. I thought I would share a few picks of the room and some winners. The one of me an Larry with his new AR is like one of those buck pictures where the arms are outstretched and the deer is closer to the camera that the hunter. I am really standing about 5' closer to the camera than he is. OR he is standing in a hole. you pick. lol This was our most successful banquet ever. Thank you to the sponsors, those attending and the volunteers. It's a great and hard working group of volunteers.
  12. Happy Birthday Larry. Glad I could get you that AR as a present...lol
  13. Thanks for coming guys. It was a great evening and I was so glad to you you both take a gun off the gun board. I was hoping to take that American Flag Howa with me but it found a good home.
  14. Or Titan. I ran company F-150's for years and my last truck before the Titan was a F-150. Two words and it repeated over and over and over again in all of them. VACUUM HUBS. and the occasional solenoid. I can't tell you for sure how many times I was in 4x4 and didn't want to be or wasn't and wanted to be.
  15. I bought a 357 Taurus revolver from a member on this site. It was my first gun to go on my permit. I can't even tell you how many rounds of 38 and 357 my daughter and I have fed down that gun but it has functioned flawlessly. I am very pleased with it an would buy another.
  16. “Omar wears the hijab, which according to the Quran 33:59, tells women to cover so they won’t get molested,” Pirro said March 10. “Is her adherence to this Islamic doctrine indicative of her adherence to Sharia law, which in itself is antithetical to the United States Constitution?” Verse (33:59) O Prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women, that they should cast their outer garments over their persons (when abroad): that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molested. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful From the pissing and moaning I am hearing about what she said it apparent;y is becasue of what I posted above. Which part is prejudice? Or was there another comment that set everyone off?
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