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Culvercreek hunt club

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Still hammering steel. Haven’t fired up the forge in a while. It’s been mostly utility and ornamental type work. I’ve gotten some really good steel I’ve picked up and finally hopping to get into some knife work
  2. Thanks Brian and guys. Was a pleasure to see the property. This is a great community. I’ve gotten a lot out of being in here. New friends are just icing in he cake.
  3. That was outstanding. I have to share that. Thank you
  4. I have a hole in my Encore line up currently. I jump up from the 22-250 to the 308 win. 25-06 was a consideration and well as the .260Rem AI
  5. My first turkey I took was actually a bearded hen. I see nothing wrong with taking Jakes.
  6. I get it, but if you use medically or recreationally and make it yes you aren't gonna get that gun. If you mark it no you are committing a felony. With a felony you can rick loss of all guns. Will it happen? i doubt it but it doesn't change the reality of what is possible. If it did get prosecuted I would think it would have come up as a byproduct of another investigation.
  7. I understand exactly how it works. I deal with it every week. So you see no potential issue for some using state legal medical or recreational and marking the "No" on 11e.?
  8. The problem is that even if the State does the Fed's have not.
  9. better? no. but alcohol is NOT a banned substance in the Federal Statues. There in lies the difference. Doctors are very uneducated in what they can be setting their patients up for with issuing that script.
  10. I have no idea if any of this has taken place yet but I certainly can see this married up with and used as justification for a new Red Flag complaint. PTSD patient.... Gets documented and prescribed, red flag complaint made and the diagnosis and script are used in the basis to remove firearms.
  11. https://www.atf.gov/firearms/docs/4473-part-1-firearms-transaction-record-over-counter-atf-form-53009/download Read 11 e. EDIT: Let me add---read the Certification you sign.
  12. To me we have it ass backwards in NY. ( I know....hard to believe). We give the kids the youngest opportunity with the hardest implement. If anything it should be set up to acknowledge the natural profession of skill. Firearm then move on to the more difficult implements. It's stupid the way we have it. At 12 you can bow hunt and can be in a treestand. then you turn 14 and can gun hunt but can't climb into the very same stand you hunted out of for 2 years with your bow.
  13. My conviction is to protect the hunting heritage. I hunt. I love to use all the implements that I have and are available to me to legally use. I would hate to see any of them made illegal to use but if that terrible day did come I would continue with the ones I could. I do really enjoy bow season most of all but would continue with any
  14. Unyielding rule at our camp. Drinks aren't cracked until the guns go away and they don't come out until the next day. period. I don't even allow the drinking by anyone that ins't shooting while the guns are out.
  15. I wonder what a conviction would have. Fine? loss of license? jail?
  16. We have tried to have an April or late March banquet over the years. It got too much of a pain dancing around the spring breaks and Easter. Last year we tried first Saturday in May and the Walleye fishermen and Turkey hunters lost their minds...lol. SO we are trying to settle on the second Saturday in March as our rock solid date. That should avoid the local NWTF and the McQuaid fundraising dinner plus a couple others. Now I just have to hope the damned Irish don't get upset.
  17. The man of extreme scenarios. LMFAO. I have been discussing their approach or lack of approach on the youth firearms season. NOT the invitation of every firearm into bow season. YOU were the one that said it was in now way their job to offer an alternative. That statement in their mission statement clearly shows it should have been if they weren't blind with their own bias. But Doc, honestly after seeing your approach to people and topics over the years on here and your narrow view of how only your opinion is right, I get how you could align yourself with them. You just really have a hard time having your statements proven wrong. AND knowing you are a member it fits right in with my stereotypes of how that organization is. So I'll still be passing.
  18. Doc, That IS part of their mission statement. A mission statement is suppose to be what the organization is about. It isn't someone's ill worded comment. Having seen their stance and approach to topics I have no desire to join a group such as that. I believe a more overall approach to ensuring the continuance of our hunting heritage is more beneficial and less divisive. MISSION STATEMENT PURPOSE FOR WHICH NEW YORK BOWHUNTERS, INC. WAS FORMED: To provide a forum for individuals and organizations interested in pursuing the art of bowhunting for game in a conscientious and sportsmanlike manner. To promote a positive image of bowhunting by encouraging the highest standard of sportsmanship and strengthen citizen-sportsman understanding. To develop, promote, and support an educational program of bowhunter safety, sportsmanship, conservation and wildlife management. To inform the public in general of the importance of wildlife management, conservation, and the role of the bowhunter toward this end. To develop greater outdoor opportunity for all, as essential to character building and physical well-being. To stimulate public interest in and appreciation of the importance of wildlife and other natural resources and the need for wisely using, conserving, restoring, and managing wildlife and other natural resources. To cooperate and assist other organizations with similar interests
  19. Oh I do, Just not them. So you are saying their intent of that statement is really To develop greater outdoor opportunity for all BOWHUNTERS, as essential to character building and physical well-being?
  20. "To develop greater outdoor opportunity for all, as essential to character building and physical well-being".
  21. So opposing the youth hunt without even suggesting an alternative is basically just opposing the youth hunt. Which you assert they did not do, but in reality they did. And before you try to disagree this is actually #5 on their mission statement. So I guess you are wrong about that too. To develop greater outdoor opportunity for all, as essential to character building and physical well-being.
  22. I didn’t see NYB push for a September date. If I recall the very same year the youth was added so was the October 1st date for Archery. I would have been fine with a September date but I can also see the benefit of having it happen when the temps are not quite as hot and when the processing facilities are actually open. I almost always hunt that early portion of the season in Rush and Henrietta area. I just haven’t heard the shooting to give me safety concerns.
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