What do you do when your in camp and heavy snow is expected? Leave the trucks at the bottom and hike back in? I have 300 feet and sometimes that is a problem for me, 1 mile could suck.
Yea I'm getting sick of all the crap flying around lately. It's like people have nothing better to do than take apart someones thread. It is hunting season isn't it?????
I have one like that. The pilot light heats up this mesh wire that ignites the burners. The mesh on mine rusted out so it wasn't reaching far enough to light burners. In a pinch I cut a little piece of it and kind of wove it into the mesh so it would reach. That worked for me. Hope this helped.
8P. We took deer first day but after that we didn't see much. Neighbors camp had 10 people hunting and they took one 4pt in a week. That is a bit concerning for me.
Let's say we get 10 inches of snow tomorrow. Where do you think the food source will be, the same or something new like apples? (They still haven't hit the apples by me.)
Just talked with my neighbor this morning. He saw 7 doe and 3 buck last night. Saw a bunch this morning. Looks like the weather that will be coming in is moving them. I would be out there today and tomorrow for sure.