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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by First-light

  1. Here is the deer pole at 11:00 opening morning. Some other picts from the weekend!
  2. This was on the back of the truck!!! The groom shot his first deer, the bride ordered him to shoot!!!
  3. It was 11 am we each had a beer to toast the hunt. I told him what he wanted to hear. Will always fill out tags on the woods and have something to measure horns.
  4. We took 4 deer before 10:00. Two doe ,button buck and a buck with broken rack. This buck had only one side and was very close to 3 inche s. told my buddy we would measure back at camp and put th correct tag on it. 3 deer tagged 1 wasn't being transported in a wagon being towed by a quad. We get back and pop two cold ones, measure the antler which was 2.75 inches and we fill out the doe tag. I have a big hanging pole and some big pines next to it. I park the quad behind the pines. We are just bout to put the tag on the deer and a dec pickup rolls in. Officer gets out and asks if we had ny luck which I say we were just about to hang 4 up. He come over to check them, looks at each deer and tag. Looks at te buck and asks where the tag was. It was in my buddies hand and he said it belonged on the deer. I told him we needed to measure the antler first before taging. He told us that needed to be done in the woods and we should of been better prepared. He told us the fine was 350 bucks. He sees the two beers on the quad and says you guys hunting anymore today? I look at him and understand what he was getting at, and replyed absolutely not. He then says put the tag on the buck and ill let the fine slide. He was a nice guy who gve us. Break. Do it by the book out there!
  5. We took 4 deer today should of been 5 . Lost a nice 8 pt to my neighbor. Broke his leg and he finished him. All good at legends lodge!
  6. Hey 4/5 hunters scored today. The newlywed took a button buck! We took 3 doe and 1buck. I shot a real nice 8 pt but while tracking a neighbor took him. It was fine my sht broke his leg, just as well someone got him.
  7. You to Jordan! Btw these deer had a neighbor sighting in a gun 300 yards away and it didn't bother them one bit! I peed off my stand 3 times that day and was doing A bunch of calls around 3:30 before the big guy showed up.
  8. What a freaked day that is all I can say. Stayed in the stand for 10 hours saw 2 bucks and 11 does. At 6:45 I asked my father in law, who hunts in heaven, for a deer today. 5 minutes later he sends me a deer! Thought it was a doe and was at full draw then saw little horns a 4 pt. I let him walk. Texted my brother in law and said your dad is pissed that I let a deer walk, told him it was a small buck and had a feeling something bigger would come by. 2:00 saw ,4 doe at 40 yards and at 2:30 5 more doe. Around 4 a lone doe walks across the flat behind me. I wanted to take her but she Angeles off but hung around. I hear another deer above me, a place where the bucks walk, it was. Giant. He was at least 12 points wide sweeping rack that extended past hose nose. A tremendous deer white rack full of mass. I had him at 30 yards behind a pine tree. He needed to take a step or two and I would shoot, he did, I shot and hit a branch 3/4 way to the deer. Arrow went straight up in the air. Deer just walked off. I will not shoot another deer this year until I see him he is that big....... 3 shots and a couple of beer are helping right now.......
  9. About to head out for last bow hunt. 32degrees light wind all day, nice way to end bow. I may do an all day sit, everyone is at camp and I'm sure will be in and out of the woods mid day. Maybe they push something to me! Btw left the Island at 3:30 and made camp by 6:30 not bad for that time of day! We also have rose pedals candles condoms and a bottle of Veuve for the newly weds when they get in tonight!!!
  10. Good luck to everyone. Be safe and hunt smart. Can't wait to see the harvest thread!!! First Light
  11. Nephew had the same thing happen. It was Sunday day after opener and it was 65 out. Had a big 6 pt chasing does in the middle of the day. I always say expect the unexpected at deer season. GL
  12. Leaving at 3:00 be to camp by 9:00. Bow hunting all day Friday hope to redeem myself. Then throw some lead on Saturday!!!!!! We are pumped!!!!
  13. Buck that is ready to rock. Hormones clump the poop together...........
  14. Yea it's stupid but look who's doing it. Deer has more brains and this won't be the last silly thing these kids do. Glad they didn't kill and eat it.............lol
  15. Understand. Take care of that knee first!
  16. I would be at my stand right now...........
  17. Last time you and Doe were up I didn't hear a thing from you guys.........lol
  18. Yea I think we will be out for a while Friday night!!! Head down to my neighbors camp and let them "nail" it!!! lol They have matching shot guns....................
  19. Will bow hunt this Friday with my brother. I will be up with my brother, our friend Joe, my niece and her husband at camp this year. My niece and boy friend are getting married Friday morning then driving to camp!! He ships out for a year in Barhain in the next two weeks. Serving in the Coast Guard. Hope the newlyweds nail one to get their marriage off to a good start!!! Good luck to all!!! Bag a big one!
  20. You guys are nothing but a pain in the ass, did I say that? Pass the ointment please..................
  21. Don't do it Culver. They are like Hemorrhoids, once you get them they never go away........
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