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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by First-light

  1. A landslide of no. The trail cam pict was 6/16 so the deer idid have two more months to grow. I'll go with you guys and hope he is still out there!
  2. I just knew Wooly would show up. First sight of sheds and he is on it......he will have a half dozen before end of day tomorrow!!! lol
  3. This is the deer my brother hit in the neck at bow season a week prior to gun season. It was taken on the Monday after opening day, field edge checking scrapes. Do you think it could be the same deer we have here on trail cam. I think so, how about you?
  4. I found a half 8 pt while looking for the deer my brother shot this year. Like you said it was moldy, green stuff all over it. Clearly from last year. Congrats on the find, nice shed!
  5. E.Northport. Very close, congrats on the deer!
  6. Way to go G-man. I might start that log. I have owned my camp for 6 years, 5 hunting seasons. We have taken 17 deer. Old and young have participated. Your camp sounds like a real nice place, congrats!
  7. Engineer, will I see you on the 7:37 out of Huntington? If so tell me all about it. 2nd to last car, look for the guy reading Outdoor News.
  8. Only had two encounters in all the years hunting and fishing. State land in Roscoe NY. My brother and I set up camp off the road and put a couple of nails in the trees to hold up lanterns and such. Game warden came by shooting the shit with us and after 20 minutes, winked, and said remove the nails from the trees. That is illegal and will cost you if I come back tomorrow. Well tomorrow cam and I shot a buck. Hung him in a tree from a.... no not a nail...heavy tree limb. Different game warden stopped by, jumped out of his truck ran up to the deer and turned the tag back and forth, to me it seemed a hundred times. Looked at me and pointed is this your deer, I said yes, come here son he replied. I didn't fill out the DMP zone where the buck was killed. I quickly fixed my mistake and on he went. These guys were cool but pretty much down to business when it came to screwing around in their neighborhood.
  9. Honestly for me I saw chasing as early as Oct 17th and it continued right through Nov 22nd. I think it is impossible to nail down a 1 week period that would be best. Keep a log for your area and go on that for years of experience. One thing I know, you gotta be in the woods to experience it!
  10. Good luck Sam, have fun up there.
  11. Doesn't look like my Mossberg. My gun is bulky/stocky looking. Got to love old guns!
  12. Nice deer Joe! Nice pictures presenting your deer, keep up the good work.
  13. We have one of those Sears shotguns. Bolt action and has a clip. The 22 sounds cool. I have a Mossberg 22M from 1950 with the peep site. Think a lot of the 22's back then were made the same way. Picture would help.
  14. Real nice buck-way to go!
  15. If you look at most of the trees that came down from Sandy they all looked healthy on the outside. Most of them were hollow at the base causing their demise. Soft woods and pine will snap-good point to stay out of these.
  16. One more congrats to the kid for getting his Dad into hunting. No need for a "youth hunt" we have the "old man hunt" way to go!
  17. Take a look at this picture. This is my tree stand 3 weeks ago after some wind. The top of the tree broke off and slammed the stand. Thank God no one was in the stand at the time. The top of the tree is at the base. Tree looked healthy to me at the time I set it up. There must of been some heavy duty wind come through because there are other trees that this happened to. Maybe Sandy, this is in the Finger Lakes.
  18. Very nice, love the rack on him! Enjoy Turkey day with the family!
  19. How do you come up with that figure?? Were they huge deer?
  20. How many of you on your own land tag the deer after you pull it out of the woods and over to the deer pole? I have and should change my ways. I can see a ticket on the horizon........
  21. So in the wake of Sandy all you heard on Long Island was the noise of generators and more generators. I get to camp looking forward to the quietness of the woods on opening morning. What do I hear!!!!!!!! My neighbor to the east and his #*!*^% generator loud as can be until 9:30! In the end I laughed and when on about business.........
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