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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by First-light

  1. Great story, I see tank in your future, maybe this weekend! I hit my deer this year low in the brisket. Had a real good blood trail for a while. We tracked and tracked over two miles and never found him. Never bedded and the blood just stopped. Bet ya you see that deer again. My neighbor said he saw mine and it was doing fine. Good luck
  2. You covered all your bases. lol Yes I have seen a 130 class deer, to answer your question.
  3. Was the blood deep red/purple looking? I hit a big buck in the liver. Same type of blood trail and my arrow was covered all the way with this blood. Shot was a pass through. Should of let the deer lay for 6 hrs. Shot my deer 7am and found him around 3pm. Lost blood after 50 yards. He bedded once then cut across a field. The only reason why we found him was: 1-The time we let him lay not being pushed. 2-We knew the general direction he headed 3-We did a long extensive search of a thicket where we thought he bedded 4-The crows alerted us to him. The were picking at the deer and we headed over to check it out I think you liver shot him, take the day and look in the thickest areas around you. He bedded down at some point. Have patience and good luck.
  4. Yes please measure both to put this to rest.
  5. Nice deer Fletch!!!!! What a story, they do all sorts of crazy things this time of year. Way to keep your composure. Love the rack and chest on that deer!
  6. Brother got the Tahoe filled up, deer better watch it this weekend cause here we come! (although I know we are not good shots the kid is coming along and he is dead eye!)
  7. Good race, Mit will find his place in politics-he is needed, congratulations to Obama. PS. I still have my guns. lol
  8. Funny just talked to a guy who borders me. He has about 300 acres and a trespassing problem. Local people who have put game cameras, blinds and ride atv's through the property. They just don't give a shit when confronted. The law has to play into this on for sure.
  9. Wow that is by me. I'm in East northport but Know where Jordan was.
  10. Must be torture for you guys that live upstate and work around your hunting areas.......
  11. My first with the bow was just like yours, you can only go up from there! Way to go.
  12. If I don't get gas I won't make it to camp this weekend. Only one station by me open and line was over 100 cars. It is not getting any better. This really sucks and the new storm tomorrow night just might set us all back again.
  13. Bad shot glad the deer didn't suffer. Inexperience, that's what it looks to me. Too hell bent on putting one down with bone on the head. We all make bad shots lets hope he learns from it.
  14. This late in the year the fawn being so small will need mother to help out. I pass.
  15. Good luck, we may find you hanging on the meat pole! lol
  16. Nice deer, congratulations!
  17. Shot that buck two weeks ago with a Montec. He bled real good until the clotting started:(
  18. Good news, I'll be up for last weekend of bow. My brother, Zach and his Dad all can make it. Doe and Steve make sure you clear out before I get there......and flush the toilet!
  19. Glad your OK Elmo. As the season wears on don't let down your guard about safety first. (not that Elmo did)
  20. We cancelled this weekends hunt because of the storm. I got the all clear to hunt next weekend. It has been a real long time since I bow hunted the weekend before opening day. I imagine a lot of chasing full rut activity going on? Thoughts......
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