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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by First-light

  1. That was real nice of her, your real lucky!
  2. Your right Pat, some people just twist words and contradict themselves and deny it to the bitter end. That is the one thing about these threads that gets to me. Own up to the facts and don't twist words. That is immature!
  3. Including yourself Joe. I see you doing a bit of back peddling , Keep it up your losing credibility by the minute. Pat Rockets had your number a long time ago.
  4. That is all fine and good. If it happens to be that the time changed in his area and the kill was within "legal hunting hours" I apologize. Again this just goes to show you how crazy zero hour is where your hunting.
  5. The fact that you picked those two as your steak buddies speaks volumes... easy to go back and pick apart a story when you are searching for bullshit ways to excuse your lack of ethics... you might want to invite dave too.. you all seem to fit the same mold....Us seasoned hutners aren't wasting our time looking for guys doing something wrong on the forum... were discussing opinions like adults... you don't have to like mine... and I certainly think your opinion on this topic is lame. Go back to playing with your other buddies. No I was not picking apart a story and I didn't waste any time looking for a story. I went right to the success stories and knew I would find one there. Right or wrong it's how a lot of hunters judge their start and finish time. it's right there in black and white and you commented on the kill. You want to preach about legal hunting time then you better look over what your commenting about and not contradict yourself. At no time on this thread did I act like a child, seems like you don't like what your hearing Joey.
  6. That is fine, doesn't say where he hunts? It's a real stretch around here!!
  7. What guy was that, you people who are holding us law breakers to the fire should go back and look at my post on page 8. Joe you congratulated this guy, he broke the law in your eyes? ??? ??? ?? All of you guys who are preaching ethics on sunrise and sunset should look at this post. There are some seasoned hunters congratulating this guy on his kill. It cracks me up that only one person has commented on my find, one person! Pat Rockets (may I call you Pat?) was the only one to comment, what all you other guys just miss it? ??? This is such a joke. Wooley and Pat steak at my camp this summer!
  8. Great story.. love a guy with conviction... good job. Joe you congratulated this guy on his illegal kill???? what gives?
  9. Ranger fan here, we just got by Boston yesterday. Too many 1 goal or come from behind games for my liking. It will be interesting!
  10. Sorry I'm going to put this to rest, once and for all. If you look up the sunset time for November 15th 2010 it is 4:39pm. Now we all know the contest that ran this year, success stories and such. Well if you read the stories there is one that is wonderfull, a dedicated hunter getting the opportunity to harvest the buck of a lifetime. He succeeds or does he? ??? Hmm?? Here is a quote, "I was fully prepared to eat the tag this year if need be but willpower, determination, preparation, and attention to detail all came together 4:45pm 11/15/10 in my favorite hemlock stand." The link: http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php/topic,2707.0.html Wow I guess he should of been disqualified, look at all those well respected hunters congratulating him. I mean that, I respect you guys. That deer was shot 6 minutes after legal hunting time but we all were proud of him but nobody took notice of the time! I respect this hunter and the manner it was taken in. Try to take it away from him, try. End of story!
  11. SteveB, This can go on and on. You know the situation I'm talking about and I know your how you feel about zero hour. Good hunting.
  12. Bubba, Want to stop over for a steak tonight and I'll say it to your face? I would have no problem stating how I feel about this in any arena, I don't have my internet muscles on. I'm just being totally honest here. Let me say it again, this is not about predawn darkness. Those shots are crazy and not safe. This is within 10 minutes of start-up and closing time. There is plenty of light to shoot. I totally understand there is a zero hour where we lay down our arms, I just feel that most people would take the shot slightly before and after. Yes technically speaking it's breaking the law and I would be found guilty. I also would not feel guilty or less proud for taking a deer 1 minute over the legal hunting time. Don't get me wrong those of you that say you follow the book right down to the minute, have at it. For me 5-10 minutes is no big deal and will take the shot.
  13. It's like the Road runner and Coyote show. Punch in game on punch out game off! lol Not comparing NYS law with any other state but how many shows have you seen when a hunter is on a big buck and they run out of light to film the shot, I can remember plenty. I'm sure it was way past sunset and not just 10 minutes.
  14. Yes to each his own. But please before day light and after dark was not the issue here. It was legal hunting time that the DEC mandates us to and the gray area 10 minutes before and after. I don't think most guys here would shoot in the dark!!! ok if you want to split hairs. They know when a shot rings out before sunrise and after sunset. Shooting after ours is shooting after hours if tiis 5 minutes after hours or midnight. The law reads the same for both. It doesnt say it is better if it is 5 minutes after. I guess if I were down to a minute or two of legal light, I would lean toward not shooting rather than worry about if I got in in time. Suppose your watch is 5 minutes behind and the dec oficers watch is correct time. umm busted. I hope you do not mentor kids and show them breaking the law is ok. If you are please stop mentoring. This is even ridiculous I have to respond to this but here it goes, At no time when mentoring the kids have I ever looked at my watch and said "all clear to shoot" or "don't release we just passed legal shooting time." At no point has any parent come back to me and complained I didn't follow the exact times for sunrise and sunset. I do the right thing with the kids, don't lose any sleep over it Bubba. Sunrise and sunset changes every day. I wonder how many of you "by the book hunters" look up the exact time before you go out each day? Joe I don't need to be saved from myself, I do the right thing out there!
  15. Thank you Steve, although I do believe a very very small % of the guys might actually adhere to the rules.
  16. Yes to each his own. But please before day light and after dark was not the issue here. It was legal hunting time that the DEC mandates us to and the gray area 10 minutes before and after. I don't think most guys here would shoot in the dark!!!
  17. Sorry Joe I have never ever looked at my watch to see if it was legal shooting time. Talking about this hunting situation on this thread will not change my mind, it's not even something that crosses my mind while on stand. If the deer is close and it's around the end of legal time give or take 10 minutes I will shoot. Again, most guys I believe would. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, you and Bubba get high marks for this. I just don't see it as such a big deal. I am a real good hunter, respect the game, have mentored kids in the woods and go the extra mile to promote hunting.
  18. Burt, you should not judge others by the set if rules you choose to follow. Not judging Bubba. Never have and never will. That's totally my thoughts on the subject. I give you credit for having such high standards, good for you.
  19. I still believe 9/10 guys on the site have or will take a shot within 15 minutes past legal hours.
  20. Isn't this the true for those big bucks at bow season. Can't tell you how many seasoned bow hunters have told me to stay in your stand to the last bit of shooting light is gone, this is where you catch the big guys starting to move.
  21. Sunrise to sunset are the legal hunting hours. So on Nov 21st of this year those law abiding hunters will not shoot a deer before 6:49 am and after 4:33 pm. Usually on opening day you hear many shots around the 6:30 am. I think it is a very very small percentage of guys that abide by this rule. I'm talking within 15 minutes or so from these times.
  22. Back to the original post: 12 years old for a kid to experience bow hunting? I vote yes. Period-no other BS attached.
  23. You know Bubba I'll agree with you on the first part of the response. This is "me" and the value I put on my kids. I also don't let them play out in a lightning storm! Your second statement is foolish! I give every person that comes to hunt my property the best stands and let them choose what they want to shoot. I mentored a kid for two years at bow season sitting with him during the prime of the rut! Keeping the deer all to myself, I don't think so. You should think about your statements before posting.
  24. I think 12 is too young. Maybe bowhunting but not gun hunting for deer. Here is another thought, it's not about the 12 year old being able to shoot or handle guns safely, what about all the other guys out there you have to worry about??? I am being totally honest here, I do not bring my girls to camp during gun season. Call me whatever you want but there are a lot of guys out there shooting and where I hunt (Steuben county) a lot of farm land. Those bullets travel a distance. Nuts, overprotective-go ahead let me have it.
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