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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by First-light

  1. I just turned 58 and have never been in more joint pain. Sucks getting old for sure. Feel better! Friend of mine swears by those inversion tables. Bionic good luck on sale.
  2. Good deal. Where I jog there is a wooded area that people throw beer cans from their cars. Natural Ice is the winner by me! It's just amazing how much litter is out there. Up at my camp there is a stretch of road that people dump crap. Had a whole bag of used diapers on the road...that was gross.
  3. Nice looking dog, good luck with her. Hope this year is better for you!
  4. So we travel a lot for soccer. My daughter and I love Bojangles chicken down south. For Christmas she got me the seasoning. Well tonight we fried some tenderloin in the seasoning. It was really good! A little gift that means so much!
  5. Under supervision by an adult. Bow, xbow, muzzy and gun. 12 is pretty. young but as long as supervision is right next to the hunter have at it!
  6. Day after the 2nd shot I felt like crap. Felt 100% the day after that.
  7. About 16 hrs after my second Pfizer shot I started feeling body aches like I had the flu. Lasted about half a day. Feeling fine now but heard we will need a third shot. FML
  8. Got my second Pfizer shot today. All good so far. I blew the appointment though. I thought it was today at 4:15 but it was Monday. I kept on thinking two days after my birthday. Birthday was Saturday but we celebrated Sunday so being 58 and not thinking clear I thought the appointment was Tuesday. National Guard checkin noticed the mistake. He went in and got the all clear for me. He actually told me they can't deny you if you're in a certain range from first shot.
  9. We are not very far from each other in Steuben county. Would love to meet up one day. Few years back my brother flipped his van on Rt 17 just below your property if you remember. Thanks for the Birthday cheers!
  10. Thank you all. Spent the day on the soccer fields. Daughter had a HS game at 12:30 which they won and a State cup game at 8 pm another win. Just dropped her off and she texts sorry for taking up so much of the day you are a good guy! Happy Birthday. No other way I would of wanted to spend it! Tomorrow an Irish pub in town for an early dinner. Thanks again for the good wishes.!
  11. That's me and the dog is there too! LOL love it!
  12. We share a birthday! Have an. great day!
  13. Just walk down 9th ave and pick a place, mostly all good!
  14. They really don't leave any stone unturned during the "article 10 process". Landowner is not responsible. Studies will take place, DEC is involved along with other jurisdictions. It takes years for the State to approve the "article 10 process". Good or bad the state is approving the wind turbines. Now we have 27 turbines existing in the town. Each one is appx. 350' tall. The new ones 650' tall. X2 all the things wrong with wind power we have now in our town! Article 10 Law ENACTED ARTICLE 10 STATUTE: On August 4, 2011, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed into law Chapter 388 of the Laws of 2011 that enacted Article 10 of the Public Service Law. Article 10 provides for the siting review of new and repowered or modified major electric generating facilities in New York State by the Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment (Siting Board) in a unified proceeding instead of requiring a developer or owner of such a facility to apply for numerous state and local permits. A previous version of such a law expired on January 1, 2003. Key provisions of the new law include: 1. Defines a major electric generating facility as facilities of 25 megawatts or more; 2. Requires environmental and public health impact analyses, studies regarding environmental justice and public safety, and consideration of local laws; 3. Directs applicants to provide funding for both the pre-application and application phases. It allows funding to be used to help intervenors (affected municipalities and other parties) hire experts to participate in the review of the application and for legal fees (but not for judicial challenges); 4. Requires a utility security plan reviewed by Homeland Security and, for New York City (NYC) plants, NYC's emergency management office; 5. Provides for appointment of ad hoc public members of the Siting Board from the municipality where the facility is proposed to be sited; and, 6. Requires a public information coordinator within the Department of Public Service to assist and advise interested parties and members of the public in participating in the siting process.
  15. You're just an average guy not a lawyer!
  16. Chef, I appreciate your question. I'm not against progress and eliminating fossil fuel. I once had a lease signed with a wind farm company. I was going to do it but my area was protected and it was canceled. In the end I thanked my lucky stars because they wanted my property for a laydown area. Trailers, porta poties and equipment. Why doesn't NYS put the turbines on State property? I'm seeing rural areas being divided, once friend now enemies, in the name of greed. These new turbines are 650' tall. What a great way to ruin rural life. These are 6.5 MW turbines. Leases usually pay 4k per 2.5 MW. These turbines are just too big for my backyard!
  17. So my Town of Howard has a 27 turbine wind farm existing right now. Prattsburgh wind (Terra-Gen) whats to bring it a step further. They are proposing 32 wind turbines for the the towns of Howard, Prattsburgh, Avoca, Cohocton and Wheeler. Now the existing turbines in NYS are 350' foot tall. You all have seen them. Terra-Gen is bringing in 650' turbines. NYS is going to allow this. My property is in the middle of protected wetlands where in the past NYS would not allow drilling or such. My neighbors aren't that lucky. Could you imagine a 650' turbine 2500' from your house? I can't. I am including a link to howardlandowners.org. If you are against this type of development please sign the petition. Thank you, First Light (Burt) Howardlandowners.org (please copy and paste)
  18. 100 bucks what you driving. I have a Tahoe to fill it up was $65...........
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