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Red last won the day on October 25 2021

Red had the most liked content!

About Red

  • Birthday May 9

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Hunting fishing camping spending time with the wife and kids

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    live in erie county hunt in 9w 9n 9h and 8m
  • Hunting Gun
    mossberg 500. ruger super redhawk 44 mag and muzzlo loader
  • Bow

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  1. I appreciate that. I sure hope so as well.
  2. I got a PSE 32 EVL 29-70 last fall. $650. I'm in Erie County. I ended up with a shoulder surgery in October and then had the other one done at the end of May. A few weeks after surgery I took a fall a tore my bicep that was just repaired. So the bow and arrow is still sitting in the box never used.
  3. I think ipassed that truck cap stands yesterday out in Akron/Newstead? If it's the same one I took a big doe just on the other side of the far hedge row about 28 years ago when they were building the golf course.
  4. I was thinking about joining a local gun range to shoot the rifles and pistols after my shoulders heal from surgeries. I'm thinking about the woods and brook club in Alden. This one seems like a nice facility they have a 250 yard rifle range an archery range a pong for the kids to fish and other shooting ranges. Is anyone here a member there or have any experience with the place?
  5. Is that one of those sun/heat activated drippers?
  6. Iooks like there at least o e set for me to get out and look for. Lol
  7. After shooting my 3030 lever this summer and hunting season my 13yr old son doesn't even want to touch his own rifles. He fell in love with how easy it was on his shoulder.
  8. Congrats on stalking the best and getting it with your crossbow. That's a huge accomplishment.
  9. I went with the 1/2 mount with both closed on mine and absolutely love the 1/2 mount.
  10. Larry congrats that's a beautiful buck you got.
  11. Me and my son drive from cheektowaga yo Cuba this morning to hunt at gmans/Greg's. The hardest thing this morning was getting the door open to my house so we could get out. Once we got out of cheektowaga it was smooth driving. Good luck all
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