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Lever action

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Lever action

  1. I read through all these post and cannot believe the number of members on here that support Obama.
  2. Good question,don't know if the DEC is keeping record of deer harvested with crossbow.I know when I reported my 2 deer crossbows were never mentioned.
  3. We still have some around here but nothing like say 30yrs ago.I did find a nest with 10 eggs in it this Spring while cutting firewood. I read an article in NY Conservationist last yr on the ruffed grouse.It said that the most common predator of the grouse is hawks.I believe it because I see hawks all the time while hunting.Like Doc said there is no control on these predators. I have pheasants released on our property every yr and the hawks raise heck with them.They are relentless, I'll be bow hunting or gun hunting and watch them flying over our cornfield constantly looking for an unweary pheasant.Sometimes I feel like all I'm doing is feeding the hawks, but a few pheasants do survive.I don't hunt the pheasants I just love to have them around.
  4. Quote- If I am in my camo in my woods or my green wool, and you walk up on me, believe me you are going to know I am there. My point is, if you were wearing blaze orange instead of camo nobody would have to get that close in order to see you. With the new camo patterns they have now days I have a hard time believing you can spot every hunter wearing camo.
  5. This is something I have been hoping for yrs.Glad it's finally happening.Many states have an Oct 1st opener.
  6. I've heard this argument for yrs and it has never made any sense to me.You guys that wear camo because you think it's going to increase your chances of filling your tag, well I have always wore blaze orange during gun season and I probably have shot just as many deer as you have. When I hunt during gun season I want to make darn sure other hunters can see me.I don't want them to have to get the binos out to make sure I'm not a deer.Just makes sense to me.
  7. Human nature, Hopefully we can learn to get along because our numbers continue to decline and if this great sport of hunting is to survive, we better learn. Sure we all have differences of opinion on certain things but it's no reason to bash one another.I don't agree with everyone on here, but you won't ever see me bashing another fellow hunter.
  8. I've never had a doe aged but I believe most of the does I harvested were older than 1.5 yr old.
  9. Good point. I noticed some of the local snowmobile clubs have already put up trail markers.
  10. I agree the homeowner who lives on 1/4 acre lot doesn't have much to gain therefore wouldn't be pro gas drilling, but like I said before our country needs it and NY sure could use the jobs.
  11. That's probably accurate. But in a town not far from here it has become a very heated issue, to the point where there has been threats exchanged during town meetings.
  12. I don't have a problem with it ,I'm all for energy independance.Our country needs it! But alot of the people in this area are opposed to gas drilling in any shape or form.
  13. Forgot to mention, I gave my DMP tag to a friend and he filled it. 1 Doe 7p rifle
  14. I happen to live right in the area where they are currently drilling and hope to frack.You could start a whole new topic or open a can of worms with that statement.LOL
  15. Congrats Wiz! It's nice that hunters in NY now have that option.
  16. Just curious, with NY allowing crossbows this year during the regular season and late archery season, was wondering if anybody actually tried hunting with the crossbow. I didn't and I don't know of anyone that did.
  17. The only way I think a 1 buck rule would work is if we shortened our regular season.
  18. Sorry for the bad expierance you had this yr, hope you can find a new place to hunt.There seems to be more and more lack of respect these days.
  19. Watched one catch a mouse in our front lawn about 15yrs ago.Wished I had a video camera then.They are a beautiful animal , don't think I could shoot one.
  20. Don't care how big a buck they create on these deer farms they will never get any of my money. I prefer to hunt wild deer on my own property.In fact ,I would shoot a wild spikehorn before I would shoot a farm raised deer.Don't care how big the horns are.
  21. More than once I have had people arrested for dumping garbage on our property.If I find a garbage bag or bags left on our property I will dig trough the trash until I find a name and then call the Sherriff.Litterbugs really tick me off and our property is only about 3 miles from the landfill.They only charge $1.25 a bag.
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