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Lever action

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Lever action

  1. I think a 1 buck rule and a shorter gun season would be better than AR's but that will never happen.
  2. So your saying anybody who shoots a small buck is a killer but somebody who shoots a big buck is a hunter? I've shot 3 bucks over 100" all the rest are under 100" so am I a hunter or a killer? LOL
  3. Quote-Cabinboy really how much work and preperation does it take to go out and shoot a doe or a yearling buck!!!! Walk in any woods that have deer tracks and food...Boom..work done... Well 4 Seasons you must be a far better hunter than me and most everybody else I know because I never found hunting deer to be that easy.
  4. Quote-Don't you think young guys (or gal's)would be more interested in taking a huge stud buck like the one's you have taken and shown them pictures of? (In the new AR zone) Or would they rather shoot a doe or spike like some get every year now? You want the pinto or the corvette? You know his/her answer... No I don't.I have a 10yr old daughter and she loves to fish but only if she's catching fish and it doesn't have to be a big fish just as long as she's catching fish otherwise she will lose interest in a hurry.I believe the same to be true if she were hunting or most young hunters for that matter, they would be happy just to shoot a deer regardless of size. My thoughts on AR's.I hope they don't implement them in my area.I hunt deer because I enjoy all the work and preporation that is involved in the taking of a deer be it with a bow or gun and I like eat them.As much as I love to hunt them if I didn't eat them I wouldn't hunt them.Sure I like to shoot a big buck but not to the point where I don't care if other hunters leave the sport and others don't join the sport of hunting because of my obsession with big antlers.
  5. I ocasionally find dead deer on our property.One spring turkey season I found 2 skeletal remains of bucks and assumed they were shot and lost during deer season.
  6. I'm just fine with that 4seasons and I really don't care what people think of the deer I shoot.Like you I think about deer hunting all year. I own 140 acres and when we built our cabin and moved up here 20yrs ago the deer hunting was very poor here on our property. so bad that for yrs I didn't even hunt here.There wasn't much cover and most of the property was open meodows.Since then I have spent alot of money and worked my butt off to improve the deer hunting here.I have planted close to 20,000 trees and shrubs,thinned out the hardwoods and hope to put in a food plot next yr. The deer hunting has improved dramatically and the last 5yrs now I just hunt our property and with very good sucess.No big mature bucks but I get satisfaction and enjoyment just shooting any buck off our property after all the work I've done. If they enforce AR's statewide well then I'll abide by the rules.
  7. I don't hang deer anymore.I usually take them to the meat shop as soon as possible.
  8. This year was a strange one for sure.I actually saw more bucks than I did does,both in archery and gun season.I didn't see alot of deer but more than I did last yr.I live and hunt in 7p.
  9. Quote-As was said above everyone has their opinion and mine is that i cant wait untill the day ar is put in place all across the state...Then there will not be a need for this type of conversation!!! I don't believe that the conversation will end if and when AR's are statwide.You guys will then complain about hunters killing 2.5 yr old deer that haven't reached their potential yet.
  10. Opening day of gun I'm on stand an hr before daylight and I'll sit all day.I'll sit all day on following days if I feel there's enough hunting pressure that keeps deer moving otherwise I'll sit a few hrs in the morning and then again in the afternoon.I only hunt our own property so I rarely still hunt for fear of moving deer off our property onto our neighbors. During bow season I've never sat all day on stand, just mornings and late afternoon.
  11. Don't worry it will come soon enough. I remember it was 50 degrees last New Years Day and then we got hammered. Now about dragging deer, I.m 51 and have dragged my share of deer over the years.The worst one was when I was 37 and hunting alone in the Adirondacks.I shot a buck that dressed out at 190#s and I only weigh 160#s.I shot him at 7:30 in the morning and it took me all day to get him to camp. Now you can call me lazy if you want but back here at home if Iget a deer I either bring it back with the 4 wheeler or the Kubota.All depends where on the property the deer dropped.
  12. I'd shoot a coyote or a bear while hunting deer but squirrels? no!
  13. I agree with what Doc said.Opening day there was enough hunting pressure that kept the deer moving.I saw 5 deer opening day ,3 of them bucks.Since then hunting pressure has dropped off significantly but the deer are still nocturnal as my trail camera shows me.This morning at 6:30 am I had a deer trot right past my stand and go into a spruce thicket.Too dark to tell what it was but no doubt it was in a hurry to get to thck cover before daylight.
  14. Yeah I've had them land in the same tree before.Fun to watch.
  15. Just wanted to say hi to everyone on here.I've lived and hunted here in chenango county NY my whole life(51yrs) and hope to learn a few tips from you all.I hunt deer with both bow and rifle and hunt turkey with shot gun.
  16. Consider planting sawtooth oaks,they grow fast and are supposed to produce acorns in less than 10yrs and deer and turkeys love them. I planted some 3yrs ago and there are 8ft tall already.I havn't seen any acorns yet but hopefully soon.
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