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Lever action

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Everything posted by Lever action

  1. I think I would find another place to hunt.
  2. I won't shoot a doe opening day.Saving the opener for bucks only.I am fairly confident I will be able to fill the doe tag later.
  3. I always hear a shot at about 6:30am,then around 7am the shooting gets real heavy then slows down about 8:30.After that just a few shots every now and then.Late in the afternoon it picks up again right till dark.
  4. Got my stand already for watching the food plot.Going to have my 12yr old daughter with me.I am so pumped!
  5. I will be sitting all day no matter what, can't wait!!
  6. I have a 7J ,which I don't need ,if anybody wants it.
  7. I bought a new Nikon scope for my 30/30 this yr and sighted it in a couple weeks ago.I'm ready, can't wait!
  8. On opening day of the regular season I get to my stand an hr before daylight and sit till dark. I will also sit any day I feel there is a lot of hunting pressure to keep deer moving.I love sitting all day as long as the weather isn't too nasty.To me it is relaxing to sit and watch nature do it's thing.I've killed a lot of deer between 11am and 2pm.
  9. This happened in Chenango County but they caught the scumbag.He happened to walk by a trail camera.
  10. I wear a wool red plaid coat with a blaze orange vest and blaze orange wool cap.Would not feel safe wearing anything other than blaze orange during regular season and I never had tag soup.
  11. I think it is the SD.I bought it last year and I really don't remember.
  12. Definitely the best part of the deer to eat, makes me hungry just thinking about it.
  13. I've found bait piles on our property before , definitely get the DEC involved.
  14. I always used 1 pin set at 20yds.Keep things simple is my motto.
  15. For some reason he wants to be sure other hunters see him, not that wearing orange will really hurt his chances of getting a shot at a deer.I've shot many deer at close range while wearing orange and one was with a bow, but I prefer to wear camo while bowhunting, mainly so other hunters won't see me and know where my stands are.
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