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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by ants

  1. Thanks... I appreciate the usual condescending answer (Hint) didn't know you were in the market for a .223 semi.. was that in one of your prior posts?
  2. I just don't know about that tiny .17 cal. bullet, no matter how fast its flying.
  3. What do you think about the fact that these laws are being "proposed"? Do you agree with them?
  4. If they enforce these laws (if passed) as much as they enforce existing gun laws , that criminal scum break every day, you have nothing to worry about. Er they com'n fer yer guns yet??? YUK...YUK...YUK!!
  5. Its been going on for a while now. I remember, a few years back, a little kid go in trouble for bringing a toy pistol, for his G.I. Joe, to school. The thing must have been what??an inch long?????
  6. Hey!! I had a coat just like that, but mine was blue corduroy with the same white trim.. In fact it still might be in my mothers attic. Them were in style!!
  7. Just my luck!! I got the racked out T-shirt girl instead of a pasty, thin whiny hemp wearing PETA girl...LOL!!!!
  8. I use 3.5" for turkey but you definetly don't need 3.5". The first few spring Toms I ever shot (years & years ago) were with my old 870 loaded with 2 -3/4" high brass pheasant loads. Killed em deader than dead. I eventually went to 2-3/4" Turkey loads and now I use the 3.5 " just because I have it. If could only hunt turkeys with a 12 gauge, full choke loaded with plan old high brass #6, I wouldn't bitch too loud.
  9. Way cool. It most of took them for ever to clear a mile, the way they would ram into the snow...back up ram again...back up ram again......... Thats when men were men and hair cuts were hair cuts (as my grand father would say)
  10. I didn't have any burger made this year (Dumb ass) Thought for sure I had a lot left from last season....wrong
  11. Congratulashons Im glade yer spill check is back up and werking . I wold be lost wif uot myn !!!!
  12. Me too. Im not even going to try to go to the gun show, at the fair grounds, this year. It will be a mob scene. Even if you get in the prices will be jacked. It was bad enough 4 years ago when Obama was first elected. I brought my son and the line to get in was unreal.... We left after waiting a good 1/2 hour and the line barley moving.
  13. I stopped in the local Gander Mnt. this past Saturday to exchange a X -Mas gift. I noticed that the ammo was getting down there. I stopped back this morning and the shelves of .22,. .22 MAG, 17, .223, and 7.62x39 are just about empty.
  14. One step at a time. The antis and the media will assign their own names and definitions to guns to make them sound evil. " To hunt deer do you really need a SNIPER STYLE bolt action rifle that can fire five rounds of HIGH POWER ammunition in a few seconds and that can kill at HUNDREDS OF YARDS??" Sounds pretty bad to morons. Watch for the "evil" definitions.
  15. Im set for rifles but if I were in the market I would take a hard look at the Savage American classic. Google it. Its a gorgeous rifle.
  16. Congrats, way to hang in there. Yeah those Rage broad heads do crazy damage. I started using them 3 years ago.
  17. I like how he uses his first amendment right to bash our second amendment right. I wonder if there is armed security that work for him or that are at least in the building he works in. He's just a stick up the butt little wad.
  18. I was reading, on line yesterday, that part of Finestiens propsel is targeting pistols and semi auto rifles "capable of accepting magazines that hold more than 10 rounds".. Any magazine fed firearm is "Capable" of accepting bigger mags. If that in fact is the case, who knows what calibers they might ban.
  19. Sad.....Thoughts and prayers to the families.
  20. You guys got me thinking meatballs so try this for a snack. Cook them however you want. Put them in a crock pot. Get a big jar of pepperoncini peppers. (the light green colored ones you see in salads) Strain all of the juice, from the jar into the pot. Then use scissors to snip the peppers into small rings into the pot. Hold the peppers over the pot while you cut, so that all of the seeds and juice inside the peppers go in. Discard the very last part of the pepper and the stem. After the pot gets hot (low heat) Let them sit in the crock pot for a few hours If you want more heat, chop up a few jahalopinio ( or how ever the hell you spell it) peppers and toss them in. Good stuff.
  21. Looks damn good......enjoy!!!! But try frying them in hot olive oil next time.....Lots of oil.
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