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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by ants

  1. Yup….just saw it a few days ago in a local gun shop.. A very well dressed guy maybe 45-50, looking at pistols. The guy at the store asked to to see his permit, before showing him a hand gun. He opens his wallet and the first card in it was a Benefit card. It kind of clashed with the two gold bracelets he was wearing. Disgusting…….
  2. Dry rub boneless chicken strips, that will go in a fresh salad, with olives, feta cheese and some other goodies.. + fresh Italian bread………Maybe a Bud light or two...
  3. Looks pretty damn good…No excuses this fall !!!! LOL!!
  4. Unfortunately, thats the motto of a lot of people…..People today are raised to believe that once they hit a certain age, the government owes them a check every month. I don't know how many people I have seen, over the years, who are well dressed, clean and driving nice cars who have benefit cards in their wallets, right next to their credit cards.
  5. He doesn't have to hold rallies at construction sites. Where ever he does hold a rally he should just surround the area with job applications and bars of soap.
  6. Just saw this an hour ago. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk How much would it cost someones mom to buy that sandwich for them????? And how much time would it take to get it from Mc-D's to a persons basement, before it got cold?????
  7. Um……No. You have shot deer through the lungs and found lead fags in the hams?? As in rear hams?? How does that happen?? And BTW Im still on the fence on the whole lead ammo thing.
  8. I almost hit a tiny fawn, with my truck, yesterday afternoon. It jumped out of the tall grass, on my right side, onto the shoulder of the road. I hit the brakes and it turned and jumped back into the tall stuff. It was running in circles, but I didn't see anything chasing it. Never saw mom either. I finally lost it in the tall grass. Something had it spooked.
  9. And why wouldn't pussy-boy post photos of his bruises, that were caused by this light recoiling rifle?? ,,,,,,,,,, Was The giant lying pussy too busy pretending to have temporary PTSD??? Piece of filth. This is your media folks!!
  10. That "Reporter" is either #1) the biggest lying sack of crap ever, or #2) the biggest pussy god ever created….The first four letters of his name lead me to believe #2
  11. NO ….its because Barak Hussain Obama, refuses to say Muslim and terrorist in the same sentence…. He has the American peoples backs!! LOL!!!!!!
  12. I just pulled some backstraps out for tomorrow…….
  13. How come every time Uptownfake posts something, I imagine a semi finished basement, Hot Pockets, skateboards and weed?????
  14. Man bad….uuummmm…make fire…uuummmm ….warm planet….uuummmm…..LOL!!!!
  15. Best of luck to you……….Good luck hunting in Florida………...Florida deer hunting ,from what Im told, ROCKS!!!!….. 65 pound monsters are not uncommon!!! Just busting ballS…….GOOD LUCK!!!!!
  16. Muslims are not trying to kill us on our own soil, and uptown redneck is for real!!!!!!!!! L-O- F-ING- L….!!!!!
  17. Pescado podrido viejo……….Good stuff…So Im told!!!
  18. Under this administration, it is a total F- YOU to the every day American people….In their warped anti American minds, Americans will pay for our past misdeeds …………
  19. The wife over did it….Hamburgers, Hoffman hots,Italian sausage and peppers, marinaded chicken kabobs, fruit salad, tater salad, mac salad, baked beans.. and some stuff I forgot about. We only had about a dozen people over and I have a years worth of food left over!!!! My idiot brother in law did his usual get drunk off of two beers then do a cannonball in the pool and splash everyone, while they're eating thing…….I tried to sneak away to the front porch for a cigar, while everyone was in back, but my oldest daughter caught me and whined so much that I never even lit the thing... All in all a very good day though!!
  20. Nice looking small mouth and better looking cigar!! LOL!! Have fun!!!
  21. Good video……The anti gun, blame America filth must cringe when they see the truth in that video…………….
  22. Most firearms can be classified as "military or police style weapons" .. The Left writes their own definitions…..Thats how they get away with a lot of their B.S.... Idiots just accept the leftist definitions. Because after all, the Leftists are smarter than the average person…..Right????
  23. God….the memories you just jolted out of my repressed brain!!! THANKS!!!!
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