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Everything posted by burmjohn

  1. Nice! Welcome back to NY (soon) and congrats on your Buck.
  2. NYAnter - that might make the books this year, eh ?
  3. Check this out - > http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110929193412AASRKAk Haha
  4. Yeah its said that for a while... Tigerdirect has it. I love NewEgg though, always fast shipping. That reminds me, sent you a PM wdswtr.
  5. Sorry I missed this, congrats! Good story too!
  6. Be nice to get rid of that o-ring... I seem to loose one every time I shoot into my block target.
  7. Just an FYI the reason it does that is because I have the image cache expiration on the webserver set to ~30 days, this way your browser doesnt download the image every single time you hit a page.
  8. Todays Woot deal is a 7 inch galaxy tab with wifi and 3g for 199.... http://sellout.woot....m=email#tracked Not a fan of that tab, but if you need 3g that's the cheapest they come.
  9. You are paying for the name but it works pretty well too I just layer up, I seem to have a problem with my feet getting cold, and thats with 800 thinsulate boots? I think I need a good pair of socks.
  10. Bubba - > Comments here: I only made this post so people would see it and go over there to read / comment. I'll lock this thread so there is no confusion.
  11. Wait I just refreshed the page and your avatar is Santa, that looks correct to me? It might be your local cache that has the old image. Just try to click refresh on the page or clear your cache in the browser and you should see your new image.
  12. Hey Paula, When you try to change your avatar what is happening? Any errors?
  13. voted! While you guys are on facebook make sure you like http://www.facebook.com/HuntingNY too
  14. Yeah I rather not have that on here, even though its public info, you can just google it.
  15. As a public official he should have stiffer files then just 200 bux, what a freaking joke. Like getting a speeding ticket?
  16. The AR thing is such a hard topic to talk about. I'm for it because of what I have seen happen in our area in 3H and 3J. On that same note I'd never bash another person for taking any deer, be it a spike or one of those 16 point freaks. As some have pointed out, the problem those that complain there are no or lack of larger bucks are / CAN be the sames guys that take the yearling / 1.5 off the table as well. If you let them go, they grow. They are not running off into never never land. They are still going to be around next year, bigger, stronger, perhaps a bit smarter, and some more meat to boot. AR's may not bring in that beast, but it will result in some bigger deer. I do not want to speak for other people's area's, because I don't know how things are there. Just ask any meat processor in 3H or Taxidermist, and the results speak for themselves. I have not been fortunate enough to bag a buck this year or last, but some of the guys on the Trailcamera just did not exist a few years back. And its sure is fun knowing those bucks are out there somewhere now.
  17. Did you try to move it a little to see if you can press it back?
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