Just curious...
How much land you own or hunt on, and how many stands / blinds / hunting spots do you have on them? How far apart are they?
Our fam has ~100 acres, and we have about 8 stands and two blinds. Adding a few more stands this year. Next year hopefully more once we have some trails cut to get to some of the harder area's of the property to get to. The problem with some of our property is accessibility, if walking it could take almost 60 min to get to the back area, mainly because the first ~25 min or so are straight up and the 2nd half is thick woods and or crazy rocks. I'd love to rent a dozer next season and create a nice trail to the back. We have a few ATV's generally we use them to get to the top, then walk to the stands. I've walked it a few times, however if you all geared up for the winter, you can break a sweat fast since its a pretty tough walk.