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Everything posted by bubba

  1. well when they confiscate all the stuff, I think they shoudl have a big auctionn sell it to people interested and put the money in an account used only for legit conservation efforts.
  2. I replied to the pm thanks.
  3. ok pygmy here we go. I am interested in the 7mm 120 and 130 grain bullets. I would trade you 50 150 grain hornady 308 bullets and oh a hundred 30-06 one time fired brass. I also have a bunch of 308 brass I resized to 7-08 an dshot it once if you are interestd. Bubba
  4. I have tons of 30-06 brass and could spare some 150 hornady 308 bullets.
  5. I would be willing to jump into this. I use a lot of 308 and 257, as well as 45 44 and 357 bullets. Ed if you need more brass including 308 stuff let me know. I load for 300 savage, 308 25-06, 357 mag 38 special and just starting to work up loads for my new 40 smith. I also load 45 long colt for a friend. I do use a lot of cast bulets I do myself.
  6. maybe you should read the post when you are not stoned. If you do, I will not even have to answer that question.
  7. Hey rocket, here is a freebie you can use. "God made pot, man made beer, who do you trust?" I personally do not condone illegal practices, to include drining and driving. But I saw that on a bumper sticker once on a truck wrapped around a tree, back when I was an active ems volunteer. The guy dropped his bowl, bent down to pick it up and a tree jumped out on front of him. Oh btw, he died, and his passenger is a parapalegic.
  8. I am no tsure of they still have it, but cabelas had brand new nikon pro staff for a hundred bucks.
  9. I did not assume anything I am going by your post that said you hunt by the alfalfa in the baiting thread.
  10. so is sitting on the edge of an alfalfa field working a good set up? I hunt in the woods and swamps where the deer live, not wait until they come to where they eat. In the woods, a 50 yard shot is a long one. There are things like trees and stuff. I also hunt from the ground most of the time. So, I would say I do more actual hunting than you do by waiting by the alfalfa by your own admission in the baiting thread.
  11. I usually use a ml. I use a rifle on occasion because I can. Have you ever hunter deer with a rifle? If not seems like having an opinion or passing judgement, on something you have not done has no basis in reality.
  12. I shot my buck this year at 40 yards. seems pretty fair to me.
  13. .2 million looks good to me right now
  14. pies and beer is good. I went to the gun show and bought a set of rings and a base for an enore, or other t/c products. I penet two bucks for a chance on a ruger 10/22 and a 5 dollar chance on a new T/c venture in 308. I may as well reinvest a bit and see if my luck persisits. My luck was minor. it is on the news here today a lady won 1.2 million on a slot machine at awkasasne reservation last night.
  15. I bet if you lived in rifle territory, you would use one too.
  16. Listening to aunts, uncles and parents banter and tells stories of staying in tents all weekend with a foot of snow on the ground etc was what it was all about. I always took ml week of and stayed their, then on the last day of ml, they would all rollin for the opening of regular season. Playng cards all evening and watching my uncle try to cheat at pedro was hilarious. And he always had a "story" to tell, which was actually a joke. I heard the same jokes every weekend for years. But you still laugh. Always a big corned beef and cabbage dinner on sat night of opening weekend. Now that I am umm one of the elders, I get to tell the stories. Unfortunately with the young guys at our camp, they are too interested in ipods and cell phones to want to listen. I now hunt with a guy whos grandfather and my dad were great friends. His grandfather hunted at our camp for years. So we chew the fat abut when we were kids and we he came with his grandfather and I was there with my dad. Well I have a nephew who loves to hear the stories, and takes the harrassment from the older guys. Last fall he shot at a deer and missed it. he came back to camp and heard all the comments, and took them in stride. He tried to use the excuse that the scope must be off. I took the gun and put three in a clover leaf at our range. he was pretty quiet after that. But he did get a deer the next day an dall the harrasment was forgotten and the congrats took their place. I hope that he will tell the stories someday.
  17. yeah if you guys come north to make video another hunt, I will buy dinner. I am in the ogdensburg area.
  18. I say I hunt to feed my family. That does not mean I need to. My family likes venison. If I did not plan to eat the deer, I would not shoot the deer. However, if I needed the meat to eat, I would take the 100 bucks I spend for a license, the hundreds on a gun and equipment and buy meat. I also grow a garden to feed my family. Not out of necessity, out of the fact I like fresh vegetables.
  19. because they do it in one state, does not mean it is legal in every state. Every area has different approaches to qdm. I hope this clears it up. It is the simple answer that took 100 pages to hash out.
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