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Everything posted by bubba

  1. I never said they should be on an inferior list. My point is if you cant put in the time, dont expect the odds to be in yor favor. If you wanted to play basketball on the school team, you would put in a smuch time as possible to hone your skills and be the best you can be. I am a weekend warrior myself with the exception of taking one week a year to hunt. But on those weekends, I shoot, scout, plant food plots, set stands and do all I can do to increase my odds. Then there are the factors no one can change such as weather wind hunter pressure number of deer in an area etc. All these things need to be factored in. I am very proud of the fact I use a single shot. In my opinion, it has made me a better shooter and hunter. I also load my own ammo fir it, to make it the most accurate gun it can be. My idea of a good group is an inch and a half at 100 yards 5 shot groups, not hitting a paper plate at 100 yards. I just want to increase my chances when I do see a deer.
  2. You sure seem to have covered it all. The only thing I could add is 1work as hard for others to get a deer as you do for yourself. 2 Dont fall for every gimick that comes along, Keep it simple. 3 Respect the animal you are hunting.
  3. I saw one deer all last season. It was a doe first night of regular season, no DMP, so she walked. I still had a great season last year for other reasons than geting a deer. My nephew got his first deer, and I helped him gut it, drag it and process it. I saw friends I had not seen since the pevious season. We laughed, we ate venison, drank a beer or two, and had a great time. Thise things equal a great season to me. As long as I am able to get out and enjoy the complete hunt, I will have great seasons, if I never shoot another deer.
  4. Did I say I never wounded one? Umm no I didnt. BTW, I have been hunting for 40 years, 37 of which has been big game. I wounded one and lost it, wounded one and found it. But after that I go to the range much more, and I use a gun which makes me be a good shot(a single shot). I have gained the experience to know what is a good shot and what isnt. I take good shots and only good shots. Anything iffy does not happen. That is also because getting a deer to brag is the least reason I hunt. I do not need to do better than you or anyone else. Last year I saw one deer all season, a nice doe opening night of regular season. I did not have a dmp, so she walked. Want to know how I made it better this year? I found a new place to hunt, I put in a lot of time scouting and doing stand placement and used the wind for me. I took a 190 pound 8 point one shot from my single shot encore he ran 50 yards and dropped. I took a nice doe filling my dmp. one she she dropped in her tracks. Oh and btw, my bowling remark was tongue in cheek, which means it was meant as a joke. it was a reply to a remark earlier. But get on your high horse and act all high and mighty and call me out on it. That is fine with me.
  5. yes take up bowling. You cant wound too many doing that. Inexperience, ineffeciency and the inablilty to learn are one of the biggest problems facing hunting today. If you dont put in the time and scout or put in the time to shoot dont blame the weather or lack of people pushing deer to you or the f***ing bullet was not good when you make a poor shot. Eithe ryou are in for it, or you arent
  6. way to go. I am out fo rmy third and hopefully fourth this weekend with the ml. Oh btw, I plan to give them to friends who were not as lucky. I have had a great season
  7. In my area 6c and 6a, this is the late muzzleloading weekend coming up. I have the next 4 days off. Going to camp friday. I have two tags of mine and a dmp of my buddies. Weather is supposed to be in the 30s. I drove up there today. There is 2 feet of snow in the end of the road where it was plowed. After that, there is maybe 4 or 5 inches. I am going to take my new T/C impact for the weekend. For me it has been a good season. Good luck to all.
  8. I guess it is how you look at it. I feel lucky I m able to get out and hunt. I also feel lucky that I have the friends I have accumulated over the years. getting a deer, turkey, pheasant to me is a bonus. I am lucky I have a camp to go to to keep my sanity. If you base the success of your hunt on getting game, you are missing the point of hunting. As far as getting game, I feel it is a combination of both luck and skill. I put inmy time to scout. I plant food plots. I learn the patterns of the deer. I also study and place my stands so the wind is in my favor when I am in a stand. I really think if yo uput in your time and do the work, your can somewhat make your own luck.
  9. I guess my question would be is thsi normal every year, or is this year somehow different? If it is normal, then it is normal. If it is unusual, then it requires some investigation as to why. I think Eddie has it. There is a superior deer population now. As hunters technology got better, they had to evolve to keep up. Seriously though. If you want osee deer, go to the swamps. I bet if you get your feet wet, you will see deer. Swamps are full of water means they are full of deer. You can sit in a stand and wait and hope, or go get them. It is late ml weekend here. We have about 4 inches of snow right now. I plan to ge my feet wet this weekend and chase some deer out.
  10. ahh the warning shots method. At least it wasnt shoot and release.
  11. amen. That plan worked in my house.
  12. I still wear wool plaid. If you want to stay warm, it is the way to go. Green pants, green black plaid jacket.
  13. this same mentality has been going on for years. I had stands stolen right off private land 15 years ago. It is a sense of entitlement. It has nothing to do with the economy it has to to with you have I want. If the economy were so bad, they would not be out buying licenses. The idea is it isnt fair you have such a nice place to hunt and I dont. It isnt fair you have a nice stand and I dont. They arent sealing this stuff to sell. it is stolen for two reasons #1 they use it #2 you get frustraed and avoid an area and guess who is in there. If you dont like the word insanity for reasons I wont go into, how about "hunter entitlement mindset".
  14. it is called hunter insanity
  15. as the old mcdonalds commercials with michael jordan and larry bird. nothing but net. we had a guy 5 miles from me yesterday hit hit with a bullet that ricocheted off rock after going through a deer. He got the bullet lodged between his skin and his ribs one lucky sob no charges. He was treated and released at he local hospital. He was wearing orange. I guess a ricochet cant distinguish color either. I knew both of the guys as I used to drive their school bus way back. I was happy to hear it was minor.
  16. the plan now is to have a well drilled next year. then the toilet will flush like home. Good idea though
  17. quote author=Burt link=topic=2638.msg30499#msg30499 date=1291633621] So they are in there but movement is limited because of the water level, correct? If they are using a certain path in and out, and that path is flooded, they will change how they ge tin and out. If there is pressure, tey stay in where no man can get to and move after dark. It requires some scouting to see where they are moving, and when. What worked last year may be way off base this year. If you go out and sit and hope others move deer to you, it may not be the most effective method. Look around a bit and see where movement is. For example I have a stand up on an edge of swamp where I hunt. It was a great place to shoot a deer in the morning as they returned to the swamp. Now bear in mind we do not drive deer at all. Thi syear, the area is flooded out. 300 yards down form my stand, they are using to come out of the swamp to go feed. A totally new behavior. All I am saying is they change their patterns as need arrises whether it be pressure, changes in habitat, or any reason. You need to get creative.
  18. They will still go in the swamps, it is their nature. My point was they are in the areas people will not go as much. In the past, deep in swamps was where I did most of my hunting. I would be in water halfway to my knees on watch. This was state land. The hunters would hunt the ridges and move the deer to the sanctuary of the swamp, where we waited for them. If there is pressure, they are back in the swamps where people can not get. Less pressure, they are hanging on the edgesto avoid the water. When the pressure starts, they vanish to the safe place. They will come out at night to feed. At least this has been my experiece in the past. When the water is high, you do not see as many deer, unless you go in after them.
  19. Hmm I think I read that somewhere.
  20. I got it I got ut. With the freaking tax rate in NY, they all moved out
  21. I cleaned up the encore up and put it away. Tonight ended rifle season here in the north. Tomorrow morning starts ml season for a week. I had two does off to my left at 4:10 as the moved out of the swamp. They were 200 yards away down the ridge in a gut. I had a buddies dmp and was trying to get one for him. They were moving my way slowly, and legal light was ending. I picked a spot in the open an was waiting for them to move into it. As I pulled the gun up, I had the infamous blow behind me. I was on the same ridge that I shot my 8 point late october. There was a deer moving in behind me and busted me when I moved. Of course the does headed back to the swamp. I was busted bad. A great way to end season. I loaded the speed loaders up and ready for the next week of ML season. I am off thur fri sat and sun. If the wind changes, I will be much closer to where they come our of the swamp. Time to see if the new impact is any good. They are moving at least here.
  22. no outhouse at my place an actual septic sytem and a pour a bucket of water in the toillet to flush it system
  23. I guess the guy shoveling should have been wearing orange.
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