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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by bubba

  1. let me know what you come up with if any. I appreciate it
  2. I second that motion. anyone care to debate before we vote
  3. I see we are debating having a debate forum I love it
  4. as stated I could use a coule hundred or so winchester aa 20 gauge 2 3/4 hulls. Let me know if you have some.
  5. ight recoil effective go with theh 7mm-08. I would suggest n H&R handi rifle.
  6. you forgot waterfoul identification. As we were told current license holders will have to take and pass an online course and the rest will be done in regular hunter safety and bow courses as part of the curriculum.
  7. And back in the old days, noone had a ladder stand. People hunted from the ground under a tree. If you fall down when you are on the ground, it isnt so bad. But then again, they did not have a cell phone gps 2 way radio fancy camo or blaze orange and ballistic tip bullets. Funny part they were as successful and safe.
  8. since I a in northern zone and say it is necessary, can you tell us why you do not feel the need not to wear in the north. In other words please explain how the whole attitude in the north is different Ty
  9. My apologies. Good luck this hunting season. I bet you wont see me lol
  10. so answer my question if it saves one person is it worth it? simple question but maybe too complicated for you. all you have to type is yes or no You do a wonderful job of repeating how stupid everyone who does not agree with you is but never answer anything posted. I am sure face to face you would not say half of what you do. tell your wife to let you wear the pant today, oops I mean ask her nicely if you can. You dont like to stop by, you have to. Too bad all you do is ridicule to make yourself feel better about your life.
  11. he is dead from being shot by a bow. Simple as that. And I knew you could not stay away. I proved that point too. AND FYI if you shoot someone here it is a homicide too regardless of what they are wearing. There is no such thing as an accident any longer. They are incidents. Now go ahead and tell me I am wrong again. I live for it. If one persos life could be saved because they wore orange during bow or muzzleloading season, is it worth it? If you say no, you are a hypocrite. The botton line is you could care less about others. It is about you being worried about being held liable for shooting someone. In the war zone you describe in the south, I am surprised people dont get shot with bows.
  12. we dont need a law for either. next it will be if you climb up a ladder at your house to get on the roof, you better be harnessed in. The mandates work toward one final goal, banning hunting after numbers go down far enough as people get mandated and priced right out of hunting. Less numbrs, less of a say and we will not matter.
  13. se eit can happen. it simply proves my point http://www.kgw.com/news/local/Ore-hunter-dies-after-shot-in-head-with-arrow-104005034.html
  14. i guess I better stop thinking that a 50 caliber muzzleloader is suffecient to kill a whitetail at 100 yards or less or my 25-06 is enough to 300 or so which i do shoot at. time for something adequate. lol
  15. starting out, I would strongly suggest a single stage press. There is much less chance of messing up when you do one step at a time then move on. That being said I now have a lee challeger press I use to deprime and pull bullets when needed. I use a lee turret press for the other steps now. I still do each step to each case before i move on. In other words I deprime all then size all the prime all, the tumble all. Then I powder them all and seat the bullet. I would suggest if anything get a good scale. I have all lee equipment with the exception of some dies which are rcbs. However my scale is a Lyman dps. it is electronic. I program in the load it dumps and weighs the charge. It saves time and is very accurate. I load for 25-06,7-08 300 savage 30-30 30-06 357 38 special 308 and 270. I can not remember the last tiem I bought a factory cartridge.
  16. actually yes. We use the back side where the creek is and boat them out. Drag them to the bank and gut them there. to keep them clean then into the boat. We are like star trek we boldly go where no man has gone before. But we have seen and harvested a lot of deer that way.
  17. My answer is simple. If it is a great way for others to see me, and deer do not see it (which by the way I do not believe as seen with my own eyes) make it mandatory for al seasons. If you look at ,y posts, I never said I do not wear it. ON stste land I have a hat on an dprivate when I move. My argument is against making it mandatory and picking which seasons to do so. I can kill someone just as well with my ml or bow, even if the chances are lessened, there is still a chance. So if we have to make is mandatory, make it for all big game seasons.
  18. The majority of my deer hunting has been making drives in the am, watches in the pm. We do 1 or 2 man drives with three to four watchers depending on how many showed up. This was deep in the swamp on state land. We have had as many as 3 deer killed on one drive. One guy walking quietly can move deer very well. My buddy and I do one pusher one watcher drives a lot. We have both been very successful. Oh btw none of us ever wore orange and none of us ever got shot at much less shot. The private land I hunt now, the neighbors do drives. It still works for us as the deer flee to the alleged safe zone. We still do drives on state land, but as I said, we are deep in the real swamp after the ridge runners move all the deer out there. There are times I am half way to my knees in water while being on watch. Very productive way to take deer.
  19. Doc This is about the third or fourth time you said you were done. I know your narcissistic personality does not allow you to drop it unitl all realize you are the superior being of extreme intelligence. A giant among mere mortals. I get it. Too bad you dont. I am very aware that every time someone posts something you again have to prove to us we know nothing. I feel very priveleged to read you posts even though you think i can not comprehend them in the least. So keep degrading those of less superiority, and I will continue to bait you on. You are so easy it is scary, but very entertaining.
  20. if anyone were to look at the game law book you get with your license, hunter orange is mandatory here for the youth mentoring program for 14 to 16 big game hunters. All you proponents should know that. After all it is a feather in your cap to get us closer. You geniuses should be aware of this data.
  21. lol everyoen os stupid or a looney. I see the real agenda here. Soewhere along this threat Blaze orange became BO. Can anyone think of a powerful person right now who initials happen to be BO? BO agenda is to take away freedoms and liberties also. Coincidence? I think not. We have some staunch supporters of both BO and BO trying to crack our armor. Be careful, I am sure the data is beng sent to Washington.
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