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Everything posted by jjb4900

  1. yup, most of these threads start out as legitimate discussions but eventually turn into personal attacks that detract from the original purpose.........to make blanket statements about any one group tends to create an unneeded animosity.
  2. sad to see this thread has deteriorated to personal attacks and insults......from both sides.
  3. The great thing about the one buck rule is that guys who are happy taking any buck can still do that and the guys who want bigger bucks can still pass on the smaller bucks and wait for that huge buck. If you ask me, the only thing worse than taking one yearling buck (according to some) would be taking two. If you really think about it, being allowed to take 2 nice mature bucks from the same area is not that great of an idea either.
  4. watching a video shot from a news copter hovering 1000 feet above the crime scene would hardly be considered factual.
  5. you're last sentence is spot on.....there was a Police Officer who was shot in NYC this past year, when they asked his superior about gun control, he said something to the effect of the shooting having nothing to do with gun control, it's about the breakdown of society.
  6. nope, I get the point you're making as I'm sure you get mine, business is just that, business.........just like politics is politics, they're all out for themselves and what will further their success.
  7. They know that now, can't blame them for being cautious, but you're the one who made the statement about them tucking their tails the minute a law was passed....
  8. if it passed as law why would anyone knowingly violate it? They aren't in business to challenge laws, that falls at the feet of those we elect and pay for that purpose.
  9. I would guess anyone who has a business is doing it for their own benefit, can't blame them for making sure they're operating within the law before going back to business as usual. As noble as it sounds, I can't imagine anyone jeopardizing their interests for a few bucks.
  10. I've been using the Hornady SST sabots that have a polymer tip, haven't noticed any excessive damage.........and they shoot great out of my slug gun.
  11. I know about how and why ballistic testing is done, up until that million dollar waste of money was repealed, all handguns sold in New York were fired by the NYS Police and a fired slug was included in the box and it was retained by the gun dealer after the sale and sent back to the state after it was sold. I was just wondering if it was still being done.
  12. I was wondering if they still include a fired slug with each new pistol that's purchased. I know that was done in the past as a way to track firearms used in crimes, ultimately it resulted in zero crimes being solved and was scrapped because it cost New York millions of dollars and was basically useless.
  13. unfortunately most politicians are only interested in what will get them the most votes, most will abandon their beliefs if it won't get them a higher office or reelected.
  14. you left out the Holocaust, think there have been a few in history who said that never happened either.
  15. you're exactly right, this thing that happened in New York is almost unbelievable. Hundreds of people being told they have to either sell or dispose of personal property without even being heard. I hope nobody makes any hasty decisions to register or get rid of their guns until the last legal minute. an out of state gun dealer could make a fortune accepting and storing the magazines that have to be disposed of until this thing is fought to the end.
  16. it's gonna be a battle to have these laws reversed once they're on the books, any politician who run's a campaign with the agenda of reducing gun restrictions is gonna have a tough time.
  17. meat that's not wrapped properly and starts to get freezer burned will also develop an off odor, still safe to eat, but the quality of the meat definitely suffers.
  18. or look at it this way, you're one of the first responder's on scene, as you enter the building, the first thing you see is the bodies of children lying everywhere, then the stench of blood enters your nostrils, as you try to move forward looking for the shooter you notice you have a hard time moving as your boots keep slipping on the fresh blood...do you really believe that anyone looked at their partner and said "hey this is a great opportunity to further our fight to ban weapons"............digest that for awhile before you make outrageous accusations.
  19. It's not a fact unless you have concrete evidence proving it as such......take a glance at a video or photo that was taken from 1000 feet away and than being asked to swear to what you saw as fact......I'd put my money on the professional's who dealt with it first hand, you're suggesting that dozen's of people put their job's and reputation's on the line to lie about the fact's...take a second and think about that.
  20. I would even say that if an immediate family member was to legally own an assault rifle, upon their death you may be able to have it passed on to another family member. It can be done now with handgun's to an unlicensed family member, they just have to surrender the gun to law enforcement until the proper permit's are obtained and than the transfer can take place. This may not be true when all is said and done, but it's entirely possible.
  21. exactly, people are coming to conclusions based on footage from a news helicopter hovering 1000 feet above.
  22. I find it hard to believe that the first thing that went through the responding Department's mind's was that his was a good chance to turn it into a campaign against gun ownership...and to suggest the medical examiner lied in his report to further an agenda is even more unbelievable....all involved will probably be haunted by this for the rest of their lives.
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