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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Karpteach

  1. Dang that guy is good. Still has a while to remove all the silver skin.
  2. It's like were in twighlite show. I didn't sleep last night, of all the teams we lose to the islanders hurts the most.
  3. Exciting game. *High 5* ;D It's Ok, we Ranger fans are die hards and conspiracy theorist. We know you Sabre fans spiked the Buffalo wings that the Rangers ate before the game.... or at least we hope this was the case.
  4. They now claim we will not get as much as they formerly predicted. What's the only job that can be totally wrong and still get paid?
  5. The Sand of Iwo Jima with John Wayne. But anything with John Wayne is great.
  6. Did you guys hear, we are waiting for snow. They claim just a wee bit for us Islanders but you upstater up to 12 inches. I can't take it any more. Sorry for the rant.
  7. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA, Now that wias funny and sick at the same time. Geno Happy 30th.
  8. Eddie, that picture makes you look so young.
  9. It takes all kinds...... of hunters that is.
  10. It must be this one... "There is a regulation-sized archery range open to the public, dawn to dusk seven days a week, year-round. Archers must bring their own equipment, but the range is free and varies from 25 yards to 100 yards in length." Yep, that's the one. Thanks John.
  11. It's in cedar park it is a regulation-sized archery range open 7 days a week. It's a bring your own target.
  12. I'm in.Let me know when we can all get together.
  13. Not bad at all! I don't think that many could do better.job well done.
  14. +1 At least fake it! make believe that you are interested in us.
  15. I'm in Hicksville and we have an outdoor archery place in a park. I think?????
  16. Thanks for the info.
  17. You can post anything on line, however the spooks are looking at all visitors of those sites.
  18. They'll eat the seed at your neighbors house and crap all over yours. I'm with the BB gun :-\ .
  19. welcome aboard, enjoy the site.
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