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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Karpteach

  1. I'd go with the bottle of crown, Nyquil makes me tired even during the next day.
  2. Holly SHIZEN. That is one freaky looking buck.
  3. SWEEEEET, Congratulations on your first deer with your daughter. I hope one day I'll feel the same pride with 4 yo.
  4. If his nads where hurt, could of caused his antlers to spike. Maybe.
  5. Very well said. For goodness sakes were hunters, blood is part of killing (ooohhh sorry harvesting or culling ).
  6. With such open minded hunters, as on this topic, I know see why the antis have been hammering us. Unfortunately, your friend is on the older side. It is just a matter of time before they legalize for bow season. Tell him to be patient. The rest of us will be in his shoes in a matter of time if not by injury by age and WE WILL be singing another toon. I just hope WE remember this topic. My 2 cents. PS. this is one reason I no longer support NYB.
  7. BigGuy, if you do it yourself , make sure to remove all the fat and bones. It gives the meat a better flavor.
  8. Geno, if you want to try the decoy, let me know .
  9. I was thinking about a Black Eagle. I have researched the gun thoroughly, Could yours be defective. Have you contacted a Bennelli dealer?
  10. Karpteach


    Welcome aboard. I'm presuming you like Varmint huntin.
  11. Welcome Patriot. THANK you for serving. I think there are a few Vet's on the site (Squid here). Keep your head and arse down. God bless and safe return.
  12. Welcome to the site. It's a nice place to hang out!
  13. Great job! Jakes taste better, than an old tom.
  14. Nice birds. Hope you get better soon.
  15. Had met a nice gent at stewart many moons ago. We were all hunting Pheasants, with dogs. we started talking about him paying and hunting an Apple Orchard. Any one ever do anything like that?
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