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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Karpteach

  1. The SAD thing is that some people try to push an agenda down peoples throat. Thank GOD, we do have a choice. People have the freedom to say whatever they want. However, we do not need to all hear it.
  2. If they got close enough, to see the ID # call the FAA and report them. That must of Sucked.
  3. Looks like you had a good day. Good on ya!
  4. More misses than will admit too. Had a huge piebald doe in my sights. What I thought was a double lung shot turned into a two day tracking job on a gut shot deer. She was still alive and very aware when we cut her off at a field. Finally got the job done, did not sleep for two days. It sucked. Haven't shot a deer with my bow yet. Only been seven years. :-[
  5. Dang my teaching job, only have weekends. Darn IT!
  6. You said it BUB. Roscoe seems to be out . The partners want it family only (which I understand but really sucks). I will check with FEDEX, what their policy is. Definitely want to get this done. Thanks for your patience Mr VJP.
  7. Not yet have someone interested, delivery seems to be a problem.
  8. Quit around 15 years ago. Had to get a physical for the job, got an MRI/CT scan of whole body. Is what my lungs looked like they were grey and yellow. Scared the crap out of me. Was smoking since 16 mostly 2 packs a day. But when I was in the military smoked up to 4 packs a day for six years. It's still hard. I love the smell of cigarettes.
  9. OOOHHH, I do not want to go through this. I hope you feel better real soon.
  10. It's supposed to get high 80's to low 90's this Thursday and Friday. Where the HECK IS GLOBAL WARMING?????
  11. Welcome to our little bit of heaven.
  12. FINALLY a good guy gets ahead. Good for you!
  13. Now this sounds like a stand up club! Good for you guy's.
  14. Welcome, you will learn a great deal on this site.
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