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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fishuntrapper

  1. This is the original store and it is a "destination" for sure. Went in 1998 and spent the better part of three days taking in everything. Restaurants, museums, exhibits, indoor gun range, archery range, and on and on. The fly fishing shop seemed as big as my house. The restaurant "Hemingways" over looked one of the huge aquariums. Did not cover the whole store and they where in the process of adding on.
  2. Homosexuality is a thing? Yes. When I say explain all about same sex relations I only mean that it is natural for some to like same sex. ?????????? Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and served and worshiped the creature more than the Creator who is blessed for ever more. Amen. For this cause God gave them up for vile affections: for even their women did change their natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in [their] knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things that where not convenient. Romans 1:25-28
  3. started when I was 13 helping to build Tan Tara CC also worked at Creekside Golf Course and Lanes. both were owned by the same people. worked there off and on for 19 years, on the courses and behind the alleys., then as a paint maker/maintenance supervisor at Bisonite paint co. worked at National Grinding Wheel as a large lathe operator and ran lathe at a couple of small machine shops. Next at Morrison Knudsen (now Alstom) in Hornell for six years as mechanic/QC. Next, on to Arkansas where I ran 4 chicken houses for about 2 years, with about 10,000 chickens in each house. Then for Xpress Boat Co. building bass boats, jon boats, trailers, ect as plasma torch operator/ maintenance supervisor. Back to WNY to Grand Island Linerless and now at CCL, rotoflex operator/shipping and receiving at both. also was a lab tech for CCL testing the finished product. currently material handler at CCL. many other jobs at restaurants, farms, and as a mechanic at places such as Colonial Ford and U-Haul. and the list could go on if I had more time.
  4. thousands of acres of State Land within a two hour drive of buffalo. Most offer good access and good hunting. You will find lots of info about most of them on the DEC web site. Most will be in Region 9, some in Region 8. good luck and welcome to Buffalo.
  5. The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; He will save, He will rejoice over thee with joy; ......ZEPH. 3:17 KJV
  6. fish more, hunt more, trap more. that's all.
  7. My bear also weighted 205. I had a full mount done. never regretted it. will post a pic when I get time. at work now.
  8. as robw stated go deep or go steep also go early and stay late
  9. if one was to take advantage of all permits available, they could get nine, not counting NPs. its not so much about where you live, as it is where you go to hunt.
  10. seeing there are less deer in the NZ, why then, is the over all deer season longer in the NZ than in the SZ? in the days of the "party permit", the permit was good for deer of either sex. I killed 2 bucks one time out of six or eight permits. I think is was in the mid 90's that NYDEC came up with the WMUs to micro-manage the deer herd. back in the day, the NZ/SZ line meant rifles north, shotguns south. at least as far as I was concerned. I put 2 bucks and 3 does in the freezer this year, all taken on state land. I have taken over 100 deer, about half are bucks. I got antlers all over the place. I do not hunt for bucks only. I hunt for legal deer. I want meat in the freezer (and so does my wife). 1 buck, 2 buck, I don't care that much. just the meat. this is just me.
  11. watched every Sunday night (I believe it was on Sunday}. One thing at least must have stuck with me, my life insurance is with MoO. .
  12. 14 squirrels. jake turkey, trapped 18 coon, 3 possum, first buck with bow, a spike, 8 pt and 2 does with shotgun, and got tomorrow off and 5 days of m/l left.
  13. make sure there is no liquid along the area that is being sealed. the pump may suck liquid from the meat or fish into the vacuum chamber. as has already been stated, make sure meat is dry, but watch for liquid traveling towards sealing area. a larger bag helps as the seal will be made before the liquid will get there. I also sometimes use a piece of paper towel across the opening to catch the liquid.
  14. yep, speed loaders. 107g powder 348g hp power belt. my speed loaders serve as bullet starter also. not that you would need one with power belts. just worked out that way.
  15. powder here, American Pioneer. for reasons already mentioned and I can "work up" a more accurate charge.
  16. head up to age, head down to process.
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