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HuntOrBeHunted last won the day on October 8 2015

HuntOrBeHunted had the most liked content!

About HuntOrBeHunted

  • Birthday 09/23/1989

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Northern New York.

    Fishing, Shooting,

    Anything to do with outdoors.

    I'm a gear head if it has a motor lets hope it's a fast one.

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    The middle of no were.
  • Hunting Gun
    270. or the dirty 30
  • Bow
    Bowtech Insanity. CPX. Custom
  • HuntingNY.com
    The Interweb

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  1. So you read a book about a guy and form a opinion? Weird. Charles Manson had some great stories as well wouldn't want him leading a country! The saying don't judge a book by its cover has never been more real.
  2. Haven't been on in a while. Hope everyone is hanging in there in this weird year of 2020. Good luck with the turkey day hunting. May the hunt be good and the foods just as good. Headed in before sun up rain or shine. Cheers
  3. Headed in before sun up. I wish it was snowing but it is what it is. Hopefully the rain gives us a easy morning.
  4. Ive always liked the old black garbage can looking one lol. On my second one in 15 years not to bad.
  5. Only in NY do we get hated by another state and we still root for the other state. Somethings wrong with the picture
  6. AJ 5 home runs back to back lets see them go up
  7. Deer was on top of that. Hope it made it away.
  8. Good time to be a Miami fan... Says no one ever lol
  9. Jeeps are awesome. Drive good, great in snow, fun riding threw seasonal roads and they look sick. Don't listen to the guy that drives his ol ladys car to pick up the milk lol
  10. If you guys were going to start a smaller food plot for this bow season and you were going to start tomorrow. What would you grow and why? Thanks I just closed on my first piece of land. See a ton of tracks and typical sign. Going to start tilling for a small scale food plot and looking to see what everyone uses.
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