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Everything posted by YFKI1983

  1. we got a sensitive bunch here. Why would you care if someone else chooses to shoot a deer in the head. If you think its unethical then dont do it. People are always judging and yelling at people (the words look like yelling). Last year someone started a thread about hanging deer by the head before butchering and people were flipping on him saying its unethical, as if the deer gives a crap how you hang it after you SHOOT it while its minding its own business.
  2. Most of my tree stands are at 15 feet. I had a nice buck come in at 15 yards and couldnt draw because he was looking in my direction. After about 30 seconds he just turned and left. Im not sure if he smelled me, I dont think he saw me because he didnt run off. He just walked away. Im going to be using a climbing stand more often than not. Is 20 ft high enough or are should I be going higher.
  3. Hey. Im looking to get new boots. These are the two brands I keep hearing are best. Anybody have experience with any of them. Im looking for something not too heavy, waterproof and preferably something that can deal with cold weather. The boots I use for deer hunting right now feel like they are 10 lbs each.
  4. Can someone enlighten me on how to post a pic on here from an I-phone
  5. YFKI1983

    Albino Deer

    This may just be me, but ive seen plenty of deer where I hunt in 4o. Until now EVERY single on of them has stopped when they wanted to eat. Ive never seen one deer eat while it was walking or take its meal to go... : )
  6. YFKI1983

    First deer!

    We usually fry up the liver and heart together with some onions. I like the heart but for some reason the liver always comes out very dry. Im not a big fan of liver anyway though so Im not really sure if theres a better way to cook it.
  7. I found it dead just inside the wood line. There was zero blood from the spot the deer was shot to the spot where I found it. It ran a good 150 yards. I couldn't even find a bullet hole. maybe it died of a heart attack : ) I dont get this either. I use a 30-06 and ive never had no blood. Exit hole is always so big that blood splatters everywhere.
  8. Thats the entry hole? I shoot 150 grain federal nosler ballistic tips, also 30-06. All the deer ive killed I can barely see the entry hole before skinning the deer. That looks like you shot it with an RPG
  9. I have the same gun. When I sighted it in this year I put the ramrod extension on it and broke it trying to reload after the 4th shot. when your sighting in just pass the brush through after a few shots to make it easier to load. Im waiting for a new ramrod now. very annoying lol. Not the guns fault just me not knowing what I was doing.
  10. Wtf. I just called and they said the same thing. I bought a muzzleloader in August from cabelas. They didn't full out the registration papers. Told me 100% that it didn't need to be registered. I remember calling NYPD too. And last week I bought bullets without being asked for my rifle/shotgun permit. If I try to buy shotgun or rifle ammo they won't even let me look at them without showing my Permit
  11. Watch plenty deer walk away. But sometimes the perfect shot doesn't present itself. Last day of the season and you haven't killed anything, you see a deer that stops and only gives you a head/neck shot at 30 yards. You're going to let it walk and just settle for a year of eating chicken? If you practice shooting you should be able to make that shot if conditions are right.
  12. To the people against a headshot. What if the deer doesnt present that perfect broadside shot where you would just take out a few ribs?
  13. They use head shots?!?!?!?!?! Take their weapons immediately!!! : )
  14. Im playing too many video games? If you have a doe and shoot for the head and you move a bit or she does its most likely going to be a clean miss. I didnt say I like to do it because its fun, I said you dont ruin any meat and the odds of wounding the deer are small. And im not saying take a head shot at a moving deer, free hand or even a semi long shot. WNY let me get some of that popcorn lol
  15. X bolt. I shoot the Browning a bolt II and I love it. What kind of Shotgun do you want pump, auto, double?
  16. Should really find one good tree and build on it. When you have multiple trees, on windy days through out the year youll have the trees moving in different directions. I think thats how the wood loosens from the trees. I could be wrong but I noticed since we stopped building on "groups" the stands are lasting much longer and need only minor maintenance the next year.
  17. Verminater- I agree. Close shots. I actually am not comfortable unless its under 30. I tried 50+ once and missed so no more.
  18. Tug- Im talking gun hunting btw. Id never do that bow hunting. I feel that if you miss it will be a clean miss and not a wounded deer.
  19. Does anyone try head/ high neck shots on does to avoid ruining any meat?
  20. browning a-bolt II 30-06 150 grain Nosler Ballistic tip
  21. walking to stand one morning I got caught up in some thick stuff..when i finally got to my stand i pulled my bow up. come first light I noticed that my sight got ripped clean off...expensive blunder lol
  22. I think they have to still gotta eat. I think sundays probably a good day to be out even if its doing some walking.
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