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Everything posted by YFKI1983

  1. This reminds me of the reality tv show crap my wife watches....
  2. Everyone's 6'5" 300 lbs when they're sitting behind a computer or telephone...somehow in person people remember their real size..
  3. definitely bring the "engineer" or whoever it is to the property to give you an estimate before you commit to buying. Not having electricity is a pain in the a$$
  4. wouldnt scented coffee be considered baiting : )
  5. I killed a doe with them. bad shot, hit shoulder blade and spine. I had to make a follow up shot. the hole made on the second shot was big and the deer died right away. Head works good, I just made a bad shot. I hope that never happens to me again....felt terrible
  6. hunting from the ground is tough but i having a deer 10 yards from you on the ground is alot more exciting than in the air
  7. That's great. Why can't i think of something like this
  8. saw this after my last post. why does this eliminate the need to strap to the tree?
  9. did those 2 green straps you have on the stand come with it? I have a viper sd and it just came with one cord that attaches platform to chair.
  10. Im sure someone on here will help. I wish I could but I live a couple of hours from where I hunt. Just know that it definitely aint easy... 2 deer in your first three years isnt bad..atleast not in my opinion.
  11. I just started using a new summit viper. I just got semi comfortable with it...now I'm nervous again lol. I killed a doe opening day off a wooden stand and keep wondering if I would have killed it from my climber or if I would have been too scared to stand up and draw lol
  12. I must be a really crappy hunter because I've seen a bunch of nice bucks on these high tech cameras I use to cheat but I don't have any of these nice bucks on my wall....I must be buying the wrong cameras...
  13. Were you the guy he met at the local WMA lol. Jk. I agree
  14. I'm confused. I use a trail cam. Does that make me not a hunter??
  15. YFKI1983


    So there's absolutely no possibility that acorns fell in a perfect pile forming a cube??
  16. YFKI1983


    Thanks. I hope they are still doing the same next weekend.
  17. YFKI1983


    Will acorns still be falling next weekend? I dont remember how long thats a viable food source. Trying to figure out where to hunt next sunday
  18. the only profession where you can constantly be terrible at your job and never lose it.
  19. the doe I killed Tuesday I just hung for about half hour, cleaned it out, let the blood drip then put her in the truck with a bag of ice in the chest cavity. Hour and half drive then butchered it right away. I dont do the whole deer processor thing anymore... had a couple of bad experiences and too many people tell me they dont get their actual deer back...
  20. is she that small.. she looks pretty big to me.
  21. I would ask permission and ask quick...it's hot out there. I don't know how long before the meat would spoil.
  22. I think its time to call for a ban of these heat seeking slugs that can maneuver themselves through the woods and find households....1100 ft is 365 yards.. thats a sick ricochet.. Not that Im saying our judicial system works all the time...I would even argue that it only works half the time.. but this is crazy. I think you should be able to win a case like this with a High school kid who wants to be lawyer representing you... If it is true, which well never know. I apologize for the post.
  23. I'm pretty sure I have the updated version of the app. I don't do know why I can't load pics.
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