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Everything posted by moog5050

  1. I could hunt turkey the next 25yrs and pretty sure my one box of shells will last!
  2. I think we used the big and beasty last year. Grew great.
  3. I did have to hold the gun butt high to keep it off the rail. Cleaning? Nah...... lol
  4. Thanks Chas. It is a free floating handguard.
  5. Wait, you actually buy new ammo for hunting turkey. I have had the same ammo for 4 years now. lol
  6. It comes with a precut heavy foam floor. Pretty darn quiet. So no carpet needed. And grampy thanks for the compliment but pygmy would disagree. I almost killed him and his blind when I tripped getting up. lol Definitely one of my better elephant moments.
  7. I am not really brand loyal. Drive a ford now, and my last vehicle was a chevy and still own a caddy. All were pretty good in terms of durability. When I asked my buddy who is a mechanic, he said every brand has their lemons and good performers. Its luck of the draw.
  8. The guide in quebec mentioned that odds are better on a spring hunt because the bait is the premier food source but obviously the bear get heavier as the year progresses. Makes sense that the same is true in fall.
  9. Stop it Ryno, you are making me want to start saving up!
  10. I have learned that if we have the does around, the bucks will show. We never have many summer picks of big bucks, but they start showing up in later Oct.
  11. Fall or spring? As I recall, maine only has fall hunts?
  12. The thermacell didn't seem to have much effect on the black flies, at least for the limited time I tried it. Ran it a few times for about 30min and when the flies remained, I turned it off to eliminate further scent. Full bug suit would have been my friend, but I only brought a head net. Now I know for next trip (which will be soon).
  13. Only because chevys are so slow the bugs casually move out of the way.
  14. That is strange. The sissy truck would not be happy.
  15. It’s named the Grampy blind so you obviously have full use whenever!
  16. I agree Gen. and it does seem to be shooting tighter the more I shoot. My 6.8 was the same. Might be an AR thing breaking in. That said, I also agree with Jdubs, it will kill Deer just fine based on my last 5 shots.
  17. It’s a faster twist than some. 1x10. Should be good with heavier 308 like the 180. I am guessing anything lighter than 165 will be too light.
  18. True. I will get it out once more now that it’s sighted and see how it shoots next try. I think it will hold that 1.5 moa range which I guess is fine especially at ranges I shoot.
  19. No doubt Dan. DMP all yours. The seat may be a bit higher than what I used in your blind. Hope your feet don’t dangle. Zing!
  20. By the way, let me know when you want to come up and hunt it. Not as comfy as your shooting house but not bad.
  21. Use it Larry. That’s what it’s made for!
  22. Yes - I didn’t box test it but it seemed to track true at least within the accuracy margin of error.
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