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Everything posted by moog5050

  1. Now that you are retired, you can donate that one to me and use landtracdeerhunter’s model!
  2. You want me to drive out and shut them down? Lol
  3. It was pretty good when I got it sighted in yesterday. Last 5 shots all in or touching 1" bull at 100yds. And I was not at my best being a bit exhausted from chainsaw work beforehand. If I was only buying one AR for deer and yotes, the 6.8 is a great choice (of course I only know its knock down power from research so far).
  4. 6.8 spc II - 6.8 is now extinct I think (at least everything new is SPC II which is higher velocity).
  5. Most cops don't like the safe act either from those I have talked to at least. If one is conducting themselves as a responsible adult, I seriously doubt anyone will break chops. Pin the mag and hunt with it with a 5 round limiter. In response to the original question, the 6.8 I sighted in yesterday is pretty quiet, has no kick and has enough power to kill deer and smaller game like yotes if desired. Seems like a good choice.
  6. Sighted in the new Stag 15 6.8 spc 2. After a few shots down range, it settled in nicely with 120g hornady. Last 5 shot group was just at 1” at 100yds. It seemed to shoot better and better the more I shot without cleaning - or maybe I settled down from the preceding tree work. I was limited to shooting off a sandbag on the gate of my pickup. But it’s a pleasure to shoot. Very little recoil or noise. By the end, when I pulled the trigger, the holes just appeared in or touching the 1” bullseye. Not bad for a semi auto. Should be a great Deer gun. Cycled without issue too.
  7. I give you guys credit that are still chasing feathers. Good luck. I might go sight a gun or two in today or start building a second platform blind for Deer hunting with the kids if I can get motivated. But the turkey are safe from me for yet another season.
  8. I lost track without service Dan but I apologize for jinxing your property. Hopefully my turkey repellent will wear off by next year.
  9. Hitting grill now with baked potatoes and corn on cobb.
  10. Off my sissy truck this morning, it occurred to me that I have now had the pleasure of hunting with several members that I met on the forum: Phade, Nomad, Grampy, Tree Guy, Pygmy and now Culver Creek. All are top notch guys and all know their way around the woods. It’s cool that each was willing to share their knowledge and I soaked up as much as I could. I count each as a friend now too. Each shared the same characteristic of putting others before themselves. Can’t say that about any other forum on which I have participated. There are also bunch of members that I haven’t hunted with yet but feel like I know from the forum or sharing some food. I think highly of all of them too. Pretty cool in my opinion. This place is filled with a lot of good people Don’t miss the chance to meet these folks when it arises. I have yet to be disappointed. Happy Memorial Day to all of you.
  11. Congrats Larry. Now enjoy that well earned retirement my friend!
  12. Well the frenchy won this time. But it ain’t the last time these bears smelled me. I will be back. No idea on Bob yet. I did hear a, let’s say a bark in the thick stuff to my left at 9:10. Dead down wind. Could have been a bear. No idea. Good trip anyway. Slightly disappointed but don’t regret it a bit. Whos up for next year? Pretty reasonable with great accommodations. And the unsuccessful trip is done so now you get in on the good one!
  13. I am hoping for the inedible 400lb variety. Lol
  14. For those that haven’t seem a bait site, here it is, sideways.
  15. 14”. Officially 140lbs of meat by girth. But it only weighed out at 25lbs. We can use your method.
  16. Military grade FMJ. Uh. Not a good idea. Sitting at site. Have connection. But flies are crushing my hand. Site was hit again since I sat it last night. 4 days in a row. Re bait and honey burn. Hope he comes earlier! Let’s get to it!
  17. About the same size. I am just way bigger than you. Pic is deceiving. Lol
  18. I don’t know other than the guy said he rushed the shot. We all still assumed he connected. Tough to miss that close. We then asked what bullet type, I won’t mention his response but even if he connected, it was a small hole in and out. Not a good call. Could have hit and I am guessing blood would be tough to find with that sponge of a hide. They could not find any sign of a hit today. Hopefully clean miss.
  19. Brief update. Smallish sow taken by one of our group last night and a big bear clean missed at 10yds by another. Still quiet on the Bob and Brian front. One more night to get it done. Euchre ended a tie. Camp is great and we are treated well. The guide said due to weather things are 2 weeks behind so baits are starting to get hit more regularly now but we are almost out of here. Be cool to see another bear or 2 go down on our last night. We just finished butchering the sow. Estimated 130-140lbs and only 25lbs of meat. Lol keeping the Tacks and Dinsdale faith!
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