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Everything posted by moog5050

  1. Out with the old pro Pygmy. No birds yet but lots of good conversation.
  2. So are you big or is that all part of the trickery? Little nick aka big Val. So confused!
  3. I need to fall asleep. 2am is coming quick!
  4. That is the extent of my turkey gear. Bought a vest and filled one pocket. Lol. Good luck.
  5. I will bring unwashed shells but Pygmy offered to let me use his gun with a scope. He must not fully understand what a jinx I am when it comes to turkey. Lol
  6. That’s what I was thinking.
  7. Wait bigvals name is nick? Now I am confused.
  8. So my wife kindly washed my hunting gear and I forgot to remove shells in my pocket. Took them out post washer. Toss em or let em dry out. No idea if they remain useable. Hate to finally have a turkey in front of me and no boom.
  9. At least you will be with people you like. Well maybe not .....
  10. I always ask myself the same question. The fall birds I have seen didn't seem to notice me much up the tree. Maybe its contrary to the spirit of getting up close and personal.
  11. You guys are just mean. I look nothing like Devito.
  12. If I lose you, I now know where to look!
  13. I might be but have never had a shot on a turkey to miss. And to clarify, the kill light was returned to its proper owner. In fact, I can probably blame Andrew for costing me several thousand on coyote hunting gear!
  14. Haha. I look forward to hunting with the legend, whether we see a turkey or not. It will be a blast. Very nice of Dan to offer to show me the ropes. I have to admit that now I am a bit nervous that I may just see a gobbler and blow the shot!
  15. You know you may be right. I don't consider myself a pure trophy hunter, but maybe I am. lol
  16. I literally laughed out loud with your response. Thank you for some comic relief this morning. Scared of what? Your "poll". Good grief man, I hope you are not seriously asking that question. I will try to explain this one more time and perhaps you will finally grasp it. Lets say my first goal is some meat and I shoot a doe on opening day. Meat in the freezer. Then I hunt 49 more times waiting on that mature buck. I am sure even you can do that math. 2% of the time (1 out of 50 hunts), the meat was "more important." 98% of the time (49 out of 50 hunts) antlers were "more important". And honestly Wolc, for hunters that can easily fill the freezer, often the primary purpose of the hunt is to chase a big buck, ie antlers, not the meat as that is a given. But still there are times when meat is the goal. Here is a shocker, I often hunt different places and stands depending on what is more important to me that day. And to blow your mind even more, there are days where neither is more important. Its just some nice quiet time in the woods. Have a great day my friend. I am glad you are solving the world's important problems like meat or antlers in way acceptable to you are perhaps that justifies your killing of many button bucks (which by the way is completely fine by me too - you tags kill whatever legal deer you want).
  17. That means 1.2% of the time meat is more important and 98.8% of the time antlers are. Lol. It’s a silly poll. But whatever. It makes Wolc happy to oversimplify so he can have at it.
  18. It am not undecided. You just don’t like or want to hear what is the truth for many of us. The reason We hunt on any particular day or any particular thunt varies. What is more important to us on a hunt may change throughout the season. There is not a simple orne size fits all answer. I am sorry you are not capable of following what really is a simple explanation of why your poll is not valid.
  19. Perhaps your reading comprehension is not great. I have explained my thoughts many times already. And as I said, both are important. If it weren’t for big antlers I would probably hunt 3x a year vs 40x. In that regard, antlers are the draw. But I wouldn’t hunt at all if I didn’t eat the meat. So I guess for me meat is more important 7.2 percent of the time and antlers are more important 92.8 perceht. Perhaos now you see why statistics mean nothing. Very easy to maniipulate. And I reject your poll not because I can’t decide but because the question is nonsense.
  20. Garbage plate on the menu tonight. This may only sound good to those from Rochester. Nick Tahoe’s baby. Warning - do not eat a plate more than once a month or when hunting the next morning.
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