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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Guns&ReligionCop

  1. You are mistaking 22 caliber with 22 rimfire. A 223 and 222 are both 22 caliber bullets legal for hunting. ShaunHu you said something about air-rifles being less dangerous in a urban environment, admittedly I have a lack of experience with airguns and you seem to be the authority on such but from what I see they aren't that much different an actuall rifle in form of preformance. How do you figure that they are any more safe than a bow or less dangerous than a rifle?
  2. Say it ain't so!!!! Thank you sir. Thats how you say, the proof is in the pudding! end of debate!
  3. Its not just against that don't consider it hunting. The record books as well as the DEC don't conisder it hunting. Hunting requires fair chase and a hunting license.
  4. How did they survive before the days of fences? I don't watch it, but that doesn't mean I like the image it gives to people outside the sport or new to the sport. My buddy hasn't gotten anything in 5 years just sits waiting for something and then calls my buck a "cull" deer because of all he has learned from Larry Weishun and QDMA
  5. Between my AR-10 (308) and my M4 (233) I'll take the M4 for CQ. I doubt Steve has ever done any kinda of a tac course like your brother. I love when people say the military has been considering larger calibers for our troops. Just curious did you get that info from soldier of fortune or Guns and Ammo? The complaints coming back from Iraq that I've heard are not bullet on body but bullet against barrier since a lot of buildings are made out of stone and cement rendering the light 556 round useless through said barrier. Another bit of food for thought, why do a ton of returning vets by AR style rifles for their home if they are so impractical? Getting off topic here but bottom line you shoot a deer in the chest with 223 its a dead deer. If you can't shoot well or like taking risky shots because, god forbidded you pass on a deer for a better shot later, Stick with your cannons. NExt year just to prove a point I'll shoot a deer with a 223 and post for everyone the entrance hole, exit hole, whats left of the heart, and pace off how far it ran if doesn't just drop. Then everyone could make up their own mind
  6. If it can kill it, sure why not! I wouldn't use it but its pretty cool.
  7. Regardless of how many acres you still not only have the game in but predators/poachers out as well as any outside factors like develpoing areas etc... If there was no advantage people wouldn't put up hgih fences
  8. My "stupid" handle is refering to an Obama quote about Reublicans needing to let go of guns and religion. If you followed politics or had any education you might pick up on that. So you got down to name calling because you have nothing else to resort to? Try keeping it classy tough guy. If the 223/5.56 was such a failure as a weapon why is it such a great selling caliber and is a used by law enforcement agencies and our military? Actually don't bother responding because I could care less about you "Stupid" opinions because frankly they don't matter to me and I'm going to continue sharing my "Stupidity" with the rest!
  9. I hate these hunting shows and they are so far from reality. I grew up in PA and have hunted there my entire life. Even with antler restrictions in place its not common to see 120" class deer let alone anything larger. These shows are intended to sell products but confuse people into thinking thats really hunting. I have hours upon hour of hunting this season. Over 2 weeks on a managed farm in PA alone and I have never seen giant buck after buck or even 12 in a field like these programs have. When I see the bucks of tecomate or Larry Weishun talking about hunting and deer management I get angry so I stopped watching. Easy to manage deer behind a fence. They talk about hunting but given fair chase I would love to see them get anything. Hell Larry can't shoot unless he has all the time in the world from a tripod!! High Fenced isn't hunting its shooting. You want some good reality stuff look on you tube. I much rather watch everyday Joe shoot real life buck or doe and not to the fist pump and some like Thank god for product X" I guess I'll never be a "Bone Collector!"
  10. Never been a fan of crossbows and still don't really like them but after having 4 shoulder surgeries I realize the day that I will no longer be able to hunt in a traditional archery fashion is rapidly approaching and something needs to be done to allow the use of a crossbow in NY. If you don't like them don't use them. Someone else using them doesn't take away from your hunting experience but provides the oppurtunity for others who can no longer use a bow.
  11. Doesn't matter with a gun that big, Any round in that caliber will do the trick on a whitetail but if your intrested in shooting groups play around
  12. I'm not sure if it happened but I believe they have or are going to make a muzzle loader class just like 2 day archery that you will need to get the tag. Someone was asking me about it but I'm grandfathered because of having previous hunting licenses in so I don't really no much about that stuff
  13. Grouse were plenty, did ok with pheasants and squirrels and a couple of does with my bow. Only saw one good buck and I passed with hopes of a better shot that never came. Still have sometime though
  14. Everyones opinion of whats good and whats not also differ
  15. You can take him up for a good cleaning and touch up without changing the cape. Thats what Iw ould recommend
  16. You should be a politician the way you spin things. The military uses a round called a FULL METAL JACKET or FMJ that purpose in any caliber is to do be less lethal. This FMJ is illegal to hunt with for that reason. So weather using a .308 or .223. your success rate of a lethal kill goes down tremendously with a FMJ. . Haven't won a war decisvely since the 223 is such a dumb statement. We lost more men during the first hour of D-day then the entire IRAQ engagment both dessert storm and enduring freedom. Also a lot soliders at the time were carrying 45 caliber thompsons. Is a 45 stronger than a 223? You have admitted to having ne experience with the .223 yet you continue with these kind of ridiculous statements
  17. Nothing worse than waiting all winter to get back a dissapointing mount
  18. I believe you can carry 2 and I can't find anything to suggest otherwise
  19. We don't know the story but an outcome like this is why you don't take head shots!!
  20. Next time I go to PA I'll take a pic of a target shot with a custom AR. 5 shots at 100 yards one hole. I can't take credit though it was my fathers group
  21. 308 is definitely better but the 50 cal. BMG is even better!!!!! and if that doesn't do it I'm going straight howitzer!!!
  22. Its a huge deal ooooooooohhhhhhhh I'm telling!!!! If you have it with you and its legit on private property you won't have a problem. I've seen DEC busting chops to a guy who had a unsigned license and in his wallet but just gave a harsh tongue scolding. If I was DEC I would have given the guy a ticket because he was kinda of an A$$! Same DEC didn't say anything to other guys that had them on their hat and belt loops
  23. The average human is larger than average deer. I've never seen 400 pound deer either!
  24. Mine -2012 Suzuki King Quad 500 in camo, Awesome!! Dad-Older Bombardier 440, Garbage Mom-ETON 180, Unbelievablely awesome!
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