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Everything posted by Guns&ReligionCop

  1. Where I hunt with a rifle range could be anywhere from 10 yard to 300 yards it depends where the deer decide to come out that day
  2. GPS, Navigation, Satelight radio, Generator, 40' lcd tv, heater, case of beer, poker table and 4 wheeler to carry everything
  3. Ummmmmm 3G????? Anyone else???? I'm hearing cricketts from us lower tier boys
  4. Well knockdown power is a factor but will never replace accurate shooting. My first doe had been hit with a bad shot from a 300 mag and I dropped her with a 223 and theres no arguing that the 300 mag is a monster but a bad shot is a bad shot with any caliber. The thing is when discussing velocity, and ballistics people often forget that range is a huge factor on how the bullet will react. I've had my 270 explode on impact on closer shots where when I shot something a little further out it punched right through.
  5. The reason I don't like the 30/30 is because of my experience with it. I shot a doe broadside at a 100 yards. She looks like she gets hit but starts running towards me about 45 yards away she turn stopped quatering towards me and I fired again. This time she went down but her head was still up looking so I plugged her again. I thought perhaps I had missed her the first time and was far back with my next shot I was shocked to see my first shot hit here perfect and my second shot did as well the bullets just mushroomed and barely penetrated. The following year about 50 yard slight quatering away I hit a doe in the chest and she runs a bit and drops but still alive I walked up she started to get up to run so I plugged her again. After that I never hunted with a 30/30 again. I know some people swear by them but after that I called it quits and sold the gun. I have never seen any deer react like that to any other caliber mind you the only other calibers I aved used are 270, 308, 223, and 12 gauge
  6. I'm assuming no but thats a good question and I'm guessing the DEC hasn't even thought of it and doesnt have an answer
  7. I'm only speaking from my own experience
  8. So you admit to making statements without having absolutely no experience hunting with this caliber to actually know. I rest my case. 308 definately works just as well as a 270 I'm just saying that a 270 shoots flatter so don't have to worry bullet drop as much. But there isn't a deer that I have killed with my 270, 308, 12 gauge that my 223 wouldnt have killed. The only caliber that I would complain about is a 30/30.
  9. I've noticed no one has mentioned a semi-auto???
  10. ahhhh how adorable how can anyone want to hurt that cute little bambi? It probably come and eat out of you hand and you could just club it like a baby seal!
  11. I couldn't agree more, They recently changed the law in PA to allow Bow hunters to carry a side arm. They need to smarten up and do the same here. I'm assuming a lot of bow hunters in NY carry a sidearm with them for all the right reasons while bow hunting but still run the risk of getting caught breaking the law.
  12. Lead sled puts a lot of pressure on the weakest part of the gun, the stock right behind the grip. It doesn't allow the energy to dispurse like hitting into your shoulder. Not a big deal with a plastic stock but if thats a good wood stock I wouldnt' use one. Steve why do like the 308 so much? 270 is flatter shooting and equal punch. Also you call a 223 the bottom of the barrel but I think you forgot about handguns during rifle season that have less than half the velocity of a 223 but people use religiously. The best deer wounding rifle I've ever seen is the 30/30. At least its a little better with new ammo. Have you ever tried a 223 on a deer? I think you would be impressed and it might change your mind. I use to use a single shot contender in 223 and never had any problems with it. As for the military use of the 223 they are using full metal jackets that just punch pinsholes through people. If you read books about vietnam snipers they had the same problem with the 308
  13. Even a misdemeanor that involves a firearm in a violent threating manner guns bye bye forever and thats a federal law. I know a jackass that did something similar and was cconvicted of a misd. and can never have a gun in his house again. Even his son had to remove guns for safe keeping while living in the same house.
  14. In PA my Pre64 Winchester Model 70 270 with 4x12 Simmons scope 155 grain Noslers In NY old trust dusty mossberg 12 gauge bolt action with old savage sights on it. and Federal Slugs
  15. Just curious why would it be your last choice? Have you ever used one on a whitetail? I see many people on this sight talking about how 17 cal is amazing on coyotes and that has little to no ballistic impact comapared to a 223 yet everyone seems to think its so under gunned for a deer. Is everyone paroting other people or this someone have a legit reason why?
  16. Another example of why to stay away from those big boys
  17. Your friends did everything correctly and sounds like the new neighbor is a real (*&69!
  18. I would say 60 grain nosler ballistic tip 223 will drop a whitetail a lot better than any 30/30 load. I have a lot of experience with the 223 and it works great and you also don't have to worry about the kick of a much larger rifle for what hes saying about range time. Why don't you try one out on a deer sometime it might change your mind before you are so quick to cast judgement
  19. Steve might not be your choice but my dads been using them without problems for the 3 decades I've been alive without a problem and myself I have never had a problem with a 223. People always think biggers better but probably never have used these rifles on deer assuming the worst. The only gun I have ever had problem with not having enough ummphhh was my 30/30
  20. I would also look into a Howa as I am not a big fan of the remington model 700 and the Winchester Model 64 is a bit pricey
  21. I'm going to make a website that remotely controls guns in the woods so you can hunt from the luxury of your couch. No scent control to worry about, inclement weather no problem!!!
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