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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Guns&ReligionCop

  1. Not waiting at red light isn't corruption. I'm a city cop and I almost never wait at red light. The only time I ever get in the car is because I'm on a task that requires me to be prompt. We have things called radio runs, thats when "you" call the police and we have to investigate. Now if you call the police and you want us waiting at every red light to get there just inform 911 that when you call and we will take our sweet time. The jobs also get picked up in order so If you have 12 calls in an hour do you think the cops are driving around in city traffic and getting to you if they obey the same traffic laws you do. If its an emergency I would be using lights and sirens. You also have to remember that when you see a cop speeding lights flashing and all of a sudden he stops and starts driving normal you as a civilian may think he just didn't want to wait in traffic when the truth is a job came over and the police are rushing there but other units got there first and called no further. There always 2 sides to every story but as a civilian looking the assumptions are often incorrect. I'm not going to stand on a pedestal and swear that every officer in the world is doing the right thing because there are a$$hol;es in every job. I'm sure you have a few where you work but don't paint us with broad paint brush. I wouldn't go around saying all hunters are corrupt because I read a few stories every year.
  2. Did the same when I was on the island now I work all night drive straight to the woods hunt until I can't stay awake and go home sleep and start all over again
  3. nope mines in only -12.5 I guess that I'm infected
  4. I don't drag by the neck, I carry them out on a alter made of fine cloth and nice prefume before I throw a celebratiion feast in the deers honor for its noble sacrifice. THen I hang it by the neck and hack the $h1T out of it with a knife!!
  5. I agree, COngratualtions and I'm sure you are a good shot but you start factoring in unknowns like her jumping the bowstring and that narrow window that you did hit becomes a wounded deer. Once again congratulations but I avoid those risky shots.
  6. I like mine well done so I don't have fear of any of this but I wouldn't fear gutting it and dragging it through water.
  7. How many people caught Salmonella from venision?
  8. Something I recently added that takes up no space is a glowstick. I often hunt the afternoon so after I get my deer I'll tie a glow stick above it in a tree and hike out to change my cloths and drop off my gear. I return with a gallon of water, paper towels, a drag, and knife. Much easier to find the deer again in the dark when theres a glowing beacon above it. It also can be utilized in an emergency situation or as a second light
  9. Dave not to get into yes it does no it does not but it does kill most parasites and a lot of bacteria . Thats why sushi restraunts freeze and thaw everything before they serve it raw. Obviously the best way to kill these is heat but if you don't like yours well done you should freeze it.
  10. Hose it out good and it should be fine. The tenderloins only thing that would really be exposed and I always freeze my before I cook them to kill any parasites or bacteria
  11. DId you drown him? Just kidding congratulations
  12. In a slaughter house you knock the cow out with a airgun and then hang them upside down move them over to the bleeder pit and slit their neck so the still beating heart pumps the blood out then they move down the line and everyone starts whacking off parts. I hang my deer by the neck because by the time I'm hang them the hearts either in a ziplock bag or still in the woods depending on if its savagable. Back the topic of the thread. COngratulations. You did nothing wrong or unethical
  13. Never had one go less than 50 yards with a bow and my last 3 were double lung heart shots and were leaking blood like a faucet. They didn't go far but the adrenaline alone carried them almost a 80-100 yards and 4-5 seconds to expire.
  14. Still not true. PA borders NY and baiting is illegal.
  15. That not true at all! Its illegal in more states than it is legal. Don't make blanket statements that aren't true and contribute nothing.
  16. Legal shooting time is when I can see the deer and my pins clearly until I can't. Hunting in the woods instead of fields its always to dark for me before my times up
  17. They say close only counts with horse shoes and hand grenades but In my experience I would change that statement it to encompass all explosions or frag
  18. Treeguy, He uses an RPG for small game and howitzer for anything large
  19. wow, really mature Sogaard. I hope Obama wins again as well so after he completely bottoms us out we don't have to worry about another liberal president again for years!!
  20. Disrepecting a dead animal,before you cut its hide off and chunk off the meat and either dump its carcass for the coyotes or toss is in the dumpster, are you kidding me? cONGRATS, Its your tag how ever you process it is your choice. There is nothing disrepectable in a good hunt and kill. If someone else cares to pray to the buffalo gods or light candle to their deer that fine too, I guess
  21. wow typing to fast without proof reading! Lets leave Bush and Clinton out and stick with our current options
  22. We could have avoid this what did say what he didn't say arguement if Obama with to secruity briefings instead of parties with Jay-Z
  23. Get on the threadmill with those boots and break them, Callous up them feet
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