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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Guns&ReligionCop

  1. Nothing wrong with a 308 but you can get much flatter shooting bullets with the same punch in other calibers
  2. http://m.thetimes-tribune.com/news/clarks-summit-man-accused-of-shooting-hunter-1.1401925
  3. This is why I say always becareful in the woods, not just because of the four legged creatures but the two legged ones as well!!
  4. I use a 270 and love it but its definitely a lot more gun then you need for whitetail. My father uses a 222 and a 223 both more than adequate with no recoil especially since they are both supressed (Legal in PA). I think a 243 is great gun and deffinately plenty of ummphh A few guys I work with didn't take my advice and 1 got a 30 06 and 2 got 300 mags after a couple of range cycles all 3 are for sale!!! Now 1 is using a 270, 1 a 223 and the other a 308. My question to you are you planning to use it for varmits, coyotes, possibly large game like bears, moose, elk or just deer?
  5. First Buck I ever killed with a gun was them same smooth bore shotty that I shot the buck in my pic 18 years later
  6. I agree with this 100% also treeguys statement about the sluggers. The buck in my pic was taken with a old smooth bore and sluggers.
  7. I've experienced something recently that I thought was intresting. People started posting property that wasn't theres and they didnt have rights to and began to act like it was theirs. Now what I thought was funny is when I was confronted I was actually on my property that they were trespassing on telling me I had no right to be there. DEC was notified
  8. I often hunt the great swamp and cranberry mountain and I don't have a dog and I try to stay away from the guys with dogs as I often push the edges of the woods instead of the fields. I always try to be respectful of other hunters and I love dogs but I must admit a lot the guys I see have very poorly trained dogs that are more curious about coming over and saying hi and licking me then chasing birds and these guys spend more time blowing whistles and yelling then hunting. I recommend if you hunt either of these places try to avoid weekends because it can be a little busy
  9. So I ended my PA bow season friday by watching the biggest buck of my life walk past only presenting a 30 yard quartering towards me shot which I passed hoping he would turn and come in boradside and he never did. Yes it tasted like a $h!t sandwich but would have felt a lot worse had I wounded him. At least I have a chance come rifle season.
  10. http://www.sears.com/schrade-156ot-lil-finger-fixed-blade-knife-with/p-SPM7573439111?prdNo=17 I got this one with a stag handle off amazon for like $18 love it but its a fixed blade
  11. I wouldn't mind hunting for charity
  12. My cellphone has taken the 20 foot plunge a bunch of times but my most recent blunder was wednesday during the blizzard. Sitting there watching the snow pile up on my coveralls soaking through and getting my knees and cold and wet wondering why I pulled out a my waterproof jacket and coveralls but ended up putting on my regular ones
  13. Yea, I'm sure it severed a bunch of the little branchs but it missed the major artery it self. Nice looking deer though
  14. 8 am slightly larger than a btn buck but smaller than a spike not sure what to call that perhaps a btn spike?
  15. Congrats, I guy I hunt with just got a nice 8 that the arrow hit a branch and stuck in the deers hip. It didn't hit the femoral artery but killed the deer pretty quick. I guess just from all the damage in the hip itself.
  16. Today I wish I had a snowsuit on and a umbrella because I got buried in wet snow and froze my *^%^ off
  17. all I know is prior to this thread I hadn't seen a btn buck all season and now I see them every night. its a curse!!!!!
  18. I reposted it because I wanted to discuss it possibly with the actual shooter himself but the other forum wasn't the proper place. If that makes me a d-bag by all means but I thought thats what hunting forums were for. Why don't you act a little more cultured and say something like it was a poor decision for me to repost it we are all grown ups here. ShawnHU, I'm assuming you do little to no bow hunting. In archery you don't aim for the femoral artery, ever! Yes there are several vital locations on a deer. The neck, the femoral artery in the leg, another artery under the spine and all poor ideas to shoot at with a bow. Deer do things like "Duck" arrows and "Jump" the bowstring. This is another major reason to only take good shots that are broadside or slightly quartering anything else is foolish. This particular fellow could have had a better shot than it looks like in the picture but the way it was hit I doubt it. Deer usually spin away from the noise not towards it and if they "jump" the string the first thing they do isn't actually ducking but dropping to load their leg muscles before they leap up. The reason I reposted it again is because it something that people wanted to dscuss but there was no thread for it and it was quickly being monitored because the shooter began breaking the rules of this site, foul language, name calling etc... Doewhacker private messaged him so I'm assuming he will be on here to explain and tell the whole story so we can make an honest assesment. We all have made bad shots but this maybe a great example of what happens with poor angles and shots that we shouldn't take.
  19. Then its on me, but I wasn't going to it on the harvest thread
  20. I did not private msg him but it is up here for him to explain. Also I didn't open this for a bash fest he did that himself I just relocated it to save the harvest thread and save moderators time of deleting all the comments
  21. Doewhacker, I completely disagree with your shame me quote. The pictures already out in the internet world for everyone to see, this area is here for us to discuss it. Could the deer have turned yes but he said he took a questionable shot and the reason was because he spent $100 so he didn't want deer to walk by. Just a statement like that displays poor ethics. I'm sure if you feel strongly enough about the photo you can contact a moderator and have it removed from this thread and the harvest thread.
  22. Another thing I was curious about was the lack of penetration.
  23. I would love to find anyone that would honestly pass a large antler small body buck for a much larger buck with small antlers or maybe broken off antlers. I know what I would do, Shoot them both and do a little cut and pasteing just kidding!
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