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Everything posted by ATbuckhunter

  1. I can definitely start a waterfowl gear thread Id like to get in on that hunt lol
  2. Both articals are basically saying that wolves have helped in someways, but its not a full recovery yet. I definitely don't think wolves are going to solve the damage that has already been done, but its one of the tools we can use. Im not anti wolf hunting as I think we should harvest a lot more wolves, but I dont think we should get rid of them. Just like any other animal, they need intensive managment in todays age.
  3. Ive been doing a bit of duck hunting for the last two years on the river I deer hunt...ive been trying not to spend too much money. I don't think I can last much longer haha. Im about to drop 700 bucks on a new semi shotgun in a few weeks.
  4. I may be interested in a puddle duck hunt come January. Is it done out of permenant blinds or from a boat as well?
  5. Im also going to need some help finding studys to say other wise. I believe wolves have to be intensively managed, but biologically they have done what Left Field is saying. The evidence is there
  6. Crap. Maybe I’ll just go up today for the afternoon Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I didnt even see it was going to rain. Did it say if it was going to be a heavy rain or a light rain?
  8. Not too good at nymphing for some reason, but I was thinking of trying dries and some soft hackles I tied.
  9. Thursday is probably going to be a shit show of me not getting a single trout, but im loking forward to trying. Ill try the west branch in the morning and if it doesnt go well, ill try the bk in the afternoon...or maybe the reverse.
  10. Ive fished the Junction pool, and I didnt like it much. Whats the major hatches now?
  11. How about for a guy who is relatively inexpereinced in fly fishing? Any advice is welcome lol
  12. I think im going to head up Thursday. Would you suggest the BK or the WB?
  13. Are you heading out tomorrow morning or in the afternoon?
  14. Its not a total disaster. Wolved definitley have to be managed intensively, but they did help in some ways. There were areas that the elk had devistated by taking out age classes of vegitation and the wolves did knock down the numbers enough to allow for regeneration. Im definitely not saying that the wolf numbers shouldnt be reduced, becuase I do believe they have to be reduced by a substancial amount in a lot of places.
  15. Im with Jeremy K. I think as a hunter, its my challange to get as close as I possibly can. Now sometimes you just have to take a long shot like in the situation Biz is describing. Like everyone else said, you need to know your capabilities and the capabilities of your rifle before you take a shot. What might be a long shot to me, could be a slam dunk for a guy that can shoot much further.
  16. Deer- Bow: 10/11 yards for the shortest and 45 for longest Gun: Not sure about shortest but id say between 10-20 yards and longest was about 144 yards Turkey- Bow: 11 for the shortest and about 15 for longest shotgun: 15 for shortest and about 55 for longest
  17. Happy Birthday Buddy! I hope you have an amazing day
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