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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by bluecoupe

  1. sadly died in Ohio. Unbelievable. The story speaks for itself. http://gothunts.com/ohio-bucks-locked-togethe/
  2. I believe the op is asking about the tendons and yes, I take them out. I'm probably one of the 1% you speak of. When I'm done with a deer the only thing I have is meat. All of the bone, silverskin, tendons, fat, etc is gone. Yes it takes me a while but such is life. For the jerky question, I've posted my recipe here a couple of times and I've only ever made it with strips. Keep in mind that they don't have to be uniform in shape, only in thickness so that they will dry at the same rate. And I can't stress enough that you're not trying to cook the meat when making jerky, simply drying it. I've never made any from ground and don't think I've even ever had any to try so I can't speak for that.
  3. While I know it would be trespassing and technically illegal, so is putting my foot into my Vette, you just have to be a bit intelligent about how you do it.
  4. Congratulations to you both! Where's the honeymoon? Not that it really matters, just curious where you aren't going to see.
  5. A recent forum discussion on ethics reminded me of a video series that was done quite some time ago by Columbia University for use as teaching ads for highschool and adult students. The programs are staged to people in very high positions at the time. Lawyers, military, judicial, etc etc people. They are given hypothetical situations by a moderator but the "facts" are related throughout the discussion. There are two series and the discussions are extremely thought provoking and are still applicable in todays society. I highly recommend checking out both series. There are 16 programs in all. If you click on the "VoD" button to the right of the screen, it will bring up a popup and play the program. There is also a "Go to this unit" link at the end of each program description which will give further details of the hypothetical and also the video itself. No registration or signup is required. These can, and probably should be used in classrooms today. Ethics In America: http://www.learner.org/resources/series81.html# Ethics In America II: http://www.learner.org/resources/series207.html If you want to watch some excellent, thought provoking hypotheticals I highly recommend checking these two series out. Maybe even view as a family and pause periodically for discussions among the people watching.
  6. ah, how mature. People spank you for being self-centered and egotistical, you don't like it, so rather than think about it and realize you probably were wrong, you're just gonna take your ball and go home. Seems like you still have some growing up to do.
  7. That's a shame. Everything has to die sometime, that was just it's time apparently, sad though. Does anyone else think it weird though that it's legs were stiff at the end of the roll? Looked like rigor but impossible in that timeframe. Here (hopefully) is the video again as the first two were removed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naOTFR7KoY0
  8. Well, in his defense; I know a guy who's in his stand an hour pre-dawn at the LATEST. Just his way and makes no difference to me so... eh... 300 a day isn't outrageous. 1500/week, 6k/month, 72k/year. A lot of people make a lot more than that in this day and age. I'm certainly no writer so the last thing I do is pee on someones parade for poor writing skills, etc What I do take exception with is the attitude that they should have let their deer potentially spoil because he was already in stand. Ahhh... sorry... don't think so.
  9. shrimp gorgonzola with peas over noodles and a salad
  10. Yep, them recovering a downed animal comes first in my ethics book. That animal paid the ultimate price and deserves to be treated as respectfully as possible (given the circumstances of it's demise). Letting it go to waste by not being found or spoilage is just so wrong.
  11. Where'd they go? What? you ask? MANNERS!!! What happened to people waving when you let them in front of you on the roads? Now they just cut you off and practically flip you off while doing it. What happened to saying "thank you" when someone holds a door open? Naw, just walk right through like you're better than anyone else on the planet. What happened to saying "excuse me" when walking directly in front of someone? See answer above. Ever heard of saying "please"? Not much anymore. I'm not just throwing this at the kids or younger generation either. It seems like all age bands are infected. It's probably a good thing I don't have a concealed carry license. But at least I have a place to whine about it.
  12. Way too many people think slug guns are only if you can reach out and touch it. Not true. Given a clear, and safe shot, I'd take a 150 yard shot with my 12ga, no problem. I still look to avoid all obstacles though which is one reason I sat a 2x7x33 Leupold on top
  13. If you change bullets, go to the range and shoot them before hitting the woods. The last thing you want is an unexpected result when aimed at that bruiser or mrs bruiser.
  14. With my point of aim I want zero possibility of deflection so I never really investigated but I think this is the link that you're referring to: http://theboxotruth.com/docs/bot40.htm
  15. Looks like a nice place and also looks like you may be able to deal with those lake effects... enjoy and good luck unpacking. When we moved I was finding chit for about 6 months... OHHH... Look what I found... was often heard.
  16. Congratulations, how 'bout some pics? I "assume" you already have a snowblower and/or 4 wheel drive and a plow
  17. While it's not a law that BO is required, I think if it's not being worn that it should be a law that you can't sue. Not wearing it makes no sense what so ever. (and I swore that I wasn't even gonna open this thread this time... Anyone wanna volunteer to just )? The line forms to the right.
  18. I tried posting a link using the icon and it's not working for some reason - Edit: ah ha - the plot thickens - error message: You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community. No clue what it's trying hard to not tell me but it doesn't like something about the youtube qualifiers I guess. But posting just a link itself seems ok. (Not using the icon, just posting the http.....)
  19. Most welcome Backwoods. It's served me well. Glad you like it.
  20. One hell-ofa first post! Anyone want odds that he's a no returner?
  21. Vacuum sealed with Tilia. Marked with the year, cut, sex and into a commercial style freezer that I have running at -25dF I've had venison get lost in there and found it after three years. Thawed in the fridge and fried it up. Tasted just like the day I brought it home. Proper vacuum sealing and storage temps and you're good to go.
  22. For deer: Mossy 500 combo with a 2x7x33 Leupold sitting on top of the cantilever, Knoxx Spec-ops stock.
  23. Hard to tell. No location filled in on the profile. Hunting location just says Catskills. But looking at the snow depth maps it doesn't look like anywhere in the Cats have snow cover.
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