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Everything posted by growalot

  1. I use conduit brackets...screw them.in the tree behind you and start stuffing limbs ..find a beech tree branches with leafs. A specific oak ,name slips me,hold leaves well They use them as street tree and campus trees..anyways that or plastic strapping..I've also used copper,won't rust.and the Christmas tree idea
  2. So finally got home at 7...the deer having a party at Rivers blind 110 yrds away and the ones 250 yrds away at the other end of laneway stand blocked my quick route home. Had to hit back line then dbl all the way back. So missed one first thing..straightened that out and saw one of the big boys during the afternoon and at least 5 at Rivers Blind and 4 on west end of open field.....pretty good all and all.
  3. Looked like the one from this am card pull I posted here
  4. You guys are giving me the Willies with all this tick talk ..I want to scratch everywhere!
  5. Oh well let's hope he chases doe up from swamp. At least he was on his feet on our place in day light
  6. Damn just had the big buck step out next to rivers blind! Tried calling he did circles and jumped fence..hope he circles around
  7. Congrats! Ya know..chipmunks lose all their cuteness during hunting season. ..
  8. 2 hour still hunt to still hunt to stand..alls quiet trails filled in . Let's hope they are still running this area this year. If nothing else..I can visual scout 1/3 of the lower property from here
  9. I could go at the very last second and they would still have 8N's available....but I will be stopping in for them early...
  10. Well said that too soon....Imagine that!...lol
  11. Well throat is now all dry and scratchy..Ricolas are not cutting it and sinus headache returned ...so...crockpot chicken soup is prepared and simmering, laundry done and arrows flung. I didn't like the fact that arrow flew short...not at that range...heck I'm better at 20-25 then 15-10 ..don't ask, don't know , just is. So I shoot low again and again. Double checked everything held at full draw awhile thinking on it, then shot...I had been dropping my arm at the shot and my trigger is touchy...I mean barely touch it...and I felt like I was over doing it...re adjusted and there ya go back on point...my bad, I hadn't shot for a few days and that will teach me! It looks like rain but I have a favorite buck stand I want to try some calling at..haven't been in it yet this year...If the wind is right when I hit the road. if not it's to where I shot my first doe last year...Good Luck
  12. Zues ...no possible way to move to the back side to get higher up? ...I know that would change view and shooting position . That said ,is the view similar in that direction and could you position as to get and angle you can easily look over your shoulder? Baring the sun wouldn't be in your eyes.
  13. Aaahhh 83...Have to say from dealing with our daughter(83) you are standing on the edge of the blade......her foot slips one side to the other only on occasion....lol
  14. is that crotched tree big enough in diameter I'd pic that in a heart beat IF you see the crotch ...hahahaha...OK the V isn't rotted and is stable...
  15. Here's my thoughts, it's the distance away that will nail you...When I hang stands I don't worry about how "exposed" I am up close in shooting range as long as I'm high enough. That said, I do think about the deer fifty plus yards away and just how still I will have to be and if I can see they are looking at me..What would you look like from a distance at deer level? It's usually the deer far away that nail at least me.
  16. I'm actually the wrong person to ask ...Guys here would think I'd never get deer in close with the stands I have...but I have to say ...that picture makes the stand look pretty low to the ground being close to a trail..pics are deceiving
  17. yes that's a problem for me...I keep all gear out side under the porch roof...I find the cat curled up in my hunting clothes and not in her comfy insulated house with the fancy memory foam bed...If nothing else she's a good cover scent..lol
  18. LOL I don't drink beer either...imagine these guys relief!
  19. Thanks Chase..I honestly don't read those particular regulations ,because I'll never hunt them... That said...and Chris might not have gotten, well it's obvious he didn't actually...I was baiting him a bit..he needs to get a sense of humor and really the thread, even though it went right where I'd hoped, has become redundant. Then for the most part stayed very civil considering, which is good for all.. still I'll wait for those written regs. to be found
  20. 42 and feels like 39...the wind is all over the place...used buck urine scent bombs...I think it's the only reason she didn't detect me for the good it did...lol.. Anyways it's cold out there
  21. Dang...I'm back in couldn't get this cough under control..rotten sinuses...been giving me trouble for 2 weeks now..so I pulled the card...she didn't make it quite into cam range ...but this guys and a big 4 and basket 6 did....Glad I left...don't want to completely mess up that stand.. Going right back out once throat calms down.Heard grunts in the distance before light and I thought I had seen a wht rack going down the trail opposite the stand I was in across the field...dismissed due to size..mind playing tricks... Now now so sure...
  22. Whiff. First shot all season 22 yrds..she was on high alert due to wind and all alone. At first I thought fawn until she fed closer aimed low..apparently too lowshe didn't go far thought about it for about 5 min and then left stomping and blowing...must of sucked in too much cold air after she took off I'm now in a,coughing jag and suddenly freezing
  23. So the DEC stating it is legal to carry two weapons . and hunt more than one species with a legal weapon has now put slugs and bird shot on the same level voiding one weapon do to size of shot? When Bird shot and deer slugs are no where near the same? Listen Chris..you can accuse me of baiting ...for that's what I'm doing now.....let's just all wait for written law confirmation ,one way or the other on the original post..
  24. Tossed mixed green salad, filet of chicken breast marinated in a sesame sauce and slow baked, mashed potatoes with a yogurt garlic sauce, caramelized onions ,sweet peppers,and garlic then tossed with fresh zucchini and diced tomato cooked till tender. Coffee ice cream dessert
  25. Not ready or not trained? I know he's a rabbit dog right?
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