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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by RTF

  1. So my rim fire 40+ year old savage with tube mag would be exempt ?
  2. So are the Ruger 10/22's now banned in NY ? Section 37 of the bill amends Penal Law � 265.00(22) in order to strengthen New York's assault weapon ban, expanding its reach and making it easier to enforce. The proposed amendments replace the existing ban consisting of and a "two-feature" test adopted from the now-expired federal assault weapons ban with a clearer "one-feature" test. The "two-feature" test bans any gun that is semi-automatic, has a detachable magazine (in the case of pistols and rifles), and possesses two features that are commonly associated with military weapons. The "one-feature" test would ban semi-automatic guns with detachable magazines that possess one feature commonly associated with military weapons. This section also adds to the list of "features" that characterize a banned weapon. http://open.nysenate.gov/legislation/bill/S2230-2013
  3. So are 10/22's now banned in New York? http://open.nysenate.gov/legislation/bill/S2230-2013
  4. Man I have seen you on just about every hunting forum I visit. Seems like your popping up all over the place.
  5. 6:50 am was surise here yesterday morning and by 6:31 gun shots were filling the air around me. At 6:35 am I came upon a big doe and massive 8 point buck 200 yards out. I did not shoot or even put my rifle up. I knew it was way too early to shoot and technicaly the rifle season was not even open yet. I watched the buck chase the doe hard up the hill into the revine after a while of watching them. Its all I could do.
  6. Yep, caught one last week and had to let it go.
  7. I've seen some monsters in Dutchess county especially in the town of Poughkeepsie. Good job
  8. Of coarse they are. Finding new ones everyday.
  9. Have no problems with crossbows
  10. Did not get to go out last night, but I did the night before. It was dead calm which in turn pretty much kills any still hunting and stalk hunting with a bow. So Im standing in a line of pines watching a field below me. For some reason I peaked to my right around the tree to look up the hill and I see a deer at about 70 yards running full bore from left to right. I dont have a clue why it was running. The wind was in my favor and the deer wasnt coming in my direction. I had been standing in this spot for 10 minutes. Dont have a clue what was chasing this deer or what spooked it.
  11. It has for sure slowed down here too
  12. I wanted to start a thread on bowhunters who hunt from the ground. Post your pics and stories of your ground hunts here whether you stalk or hunt from a ground blind. I myself only recently became a hardcore ground hunter with the bow in the last few years. Ive decided my fat ass is just too big to be climbing trees anymore and I just cant last in a tree stand like I once did. This season has been a blast hunting from the ground. I have seen many deer, called in a mature buck that made me pee my pants, have been at full draw on several deer that I decided to let walk and have been busted by a few deer. I have not connected with anything yet but here are some ground pics from last Saturday of an area I like to stalk through. It was very windy and we had on off snow showers.
  13. mjac, Now thats what Im talking about. Ground hunting rules with the bow. It's all I do. Congrats on a fine kill. What a rush that must have been.
  14. Ya OK, lets do that. NOT. I dont recall the land owner leaving him in charge to police his property. Thats the land owners problem. He only has permission to hunt the land. He informed the land owner of the situation and as clearly stated the land owner didnt seem to be too worried about it.
  15. My cousin just told me the Shell station on RT202/35 in Cortland or maybe it was Yorktown (same area I think ) was price gouging selling gas at $4.79
  16. I do and the lines went for miles
  17. RTF

    Lock Down??

    Im in 4F and our hilltops have snow
  18. They all should have been shot on sight PERIOD!
  19. The best time would be after an early morning to an all day of high winds followed by a late afternoon dead calm.
  20. My son shoots rage and has expeirenced the same exact problem as you. The practice tip dont shoot worth crap.
  21. When I was a teenager many many moons ago, I remember a few guys in my fathers hunting party being pretty hung over come opening morning. Getting them up and out of bed in the AM was nearly impossible. Back in those days opening day was always on a Monday.It seemed the same guys year after year would party it up the night before in the local bar bragging about the big buck they were going kill the next morning.I guess it was the one time of year they all got away from thier wives, kids and jobs and wanted to live it up. However it greatly effected their hunting and most if not all went home empty handed. And oh ya, back in those day DMP's were called party permits and you had about 4 guys assigned to one DMP. Although I was too young to drink back in those days and never followed the same foot steps of the old gang, I just hope in these days we dont have hung over hunters in the stand during deer season and those days are behind us.
  22. Yep this weekend looks good for Otsego also. I bet we some some lake effect snow showers on the tail on of Sandy also
  23. How about the forum member on here who was ticketed because manure laid in the field he was hunting. Forgot who it was but it was someone who posts on this forum.
  24. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/10/25/nyc-police-officer-arrested-for-alleged-cannibal-plot/?test=latestnews
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