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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by josephmrtn

  1. 7pt, 4:10pm this eve (12/2/14), 200yard heart shot, trotted forward a little bit and dropped Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk 2
  2. A guy I know lives on an island in the st Lawrence, he said they have seen wolves kill deer out on the ice a few times Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk 2
  3. It's been pretty nasty here! Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk 2
  4. Not entirely true belo, in our area im the only one who has "self imposed limits" and yet im seeing bigger deer every year, the neighbors are happy to keep shooting spikes and im happy to keep my collection of 8pts growing on our farm even tho i havn't killed one yet The thing that made the difference was kicking all the #### Poachers off our land! But lets save that for another thread
  5. Feeling kinda discouraged... i thought this was the rut!!! im seeing tons of does but besides the one i saw from the road yesterday i havnt seen one buck, and of course my trail cam batteries were dead for the past month so no pics (rant over) gotta stick at it!
  6. My first deer with a bow was taken out of a popup that i had set up only several hours before
  7. Had 3 does close enough to spit on... this is why i hunt!!! thanking God for scent control lol On another note, No bucks!
  8. Apples near an orchard? not sure if there would b a way to make acorn flavored cookies..........
  9. Saw a buck cruising at around 3pm... Looked decent size but couldnt tell what exactly he was tho
  10. Unless im mistaken DMP's can be used anytime during the season/s
  11. from how you described it sounds like you have the same stand as me... bought mine at walmart a few years ago, i can dig out my instruction manual if you want
  12. How long after the shot did you wait before tracking? they usualy say wait at least an hr
  13. With the $1,400 i saved by buying a cheaper bow I can buy all kinds of stuff! No way i'd give 1800 for a bow!!!
  14. Could be i saw a black one this morn
  15. The good news: Tons of doe movement this morn.... the bad news: froze my butt off an didnt see any bucks i hate this weather! Early season is WAY better!!!
  16. 2nd doe down... 100yrds w my rifle, ran 40 yrds 11/10/2014, 5pm, Doe
  17. Good article on how hunting affects our loved ones http://www.bowhunting.com/blog/2014/10/21/are-you-hunting-too-much/
  18. All the deer are moving at night... hunted in pa saturday, that night was a full moon, on the way to the stand in the morn we saw 15+ deer out crossing the roads
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