I was 16 at the time then, and school was cancelled for 2 weeks. I remember walking up onto I-290 near my house with some friends and the drifts literally covered abandoned tractor trailers and cars. It was something you would never forget how big the snow drifts were. Made a lot of money helping shovel out doorways at homes in neighborhood or cars that were buried. That blizzard was the worst ever.
I get a laugh from the different ways the weather people describe the snow in their broadcasts......"crippling, pounded,devastating, unrelenting, blinding etc. etc. etc." Helps to spread the paranoia.
I saw story about this last week on Fox News when I was watching clips from Bill O'reilly. Its scary that this is happening in America. The leaders in the White House need to wake up before it's to late. But O'bama is afraid to even say the words "Islamic Terrorists", cause he doesn't want to offend them and has already apologized to them.
O'bama still refuses to call them what they are...Islamic Terrorists....we may need some of those microchips sooner than we think the way he is leading this country....Oh, I forgot....he doesn;t want to offend them......