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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by greg54

  1. Cool pics. Those have got to be big spiders those webs are huge.
  2. It was at my friends property in Machias, Cattaraugus County. He's up on hill between Rt. 16 and Rt. 242
  3. I drove down to southern tier today to check my cams at my friends property and this is first bear pic. It first stands up against tree, then takes short climb, and then keeps going on its way. There has been few sightings around the area, but this is first one I got on cam this year.
  4. A lot of places you need a permit to hunt opening day or first few Saturdays of the season. I have hunted at Golden Hill St. Park the last few years with a few friends, and we go into park the Sunday after opening day to try our luck. The past 2 years we didn't see 1 bird. We hope luck will change this year and get a couple of birds. We don't use a dog, but the guys that are in there on permit days all seem to have them. And we can hear the shooting going on in there from friends cabin where we meet on Saturday and stay over. The cabin is near the state park. Sounds like they shoot every pheasant in there. I just wonder how many pheasants they stock in there.
  5. Thanks for info Mbucks, just placed my order!!
  6. I will be using crossbow the last 2 weeks archery....all ready to go for that. The early part of archery I use the draw-loc on my compound. I have modified archery permit.
  7. Looks like you guys had a good time. Nice video!!
  8. Will go out for few hours in morning and then go back for afternoon till dark. Can't sit all day cause of neuropathy in legs,some days it is pretty bad so have to get up and move around. No all day sits for me.
  9. When the background checks for ammo become the norm in New York State, has anyone heard or read if it would be against the law to buy ammo in another state and return to New York?
  10. greg54


    Best of luck with your surgery Grow and speedy recovery!!
  11. Best of luck to you with surgery and a speedy recovery, your health comes first!!
  12. Thanks everyone...support is a great motivator!!
  13. I went to see my doctor yesterday to go over results of my C.T. Scan of my lungs that I had this past Monday, and it was great news. The scan showed no return of cancer, and I won't have to have another scan for 12 months instead of every 6 that I have been going to. It has been 24 months since my lung cancer diagnosis, and 20 months since chemo and surgery to remove my lung...and I am cancer free.. I wake up everyday and try to be positive, and the doctors news this week makes me very positive...can't wait till Oct 1 opener!!
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