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Everything posted by boo711

  1. @Grouse What are you confused about from my post that you had to give it a confused reaction????
  2. Yes I feel the same way about Antifa and BLM. NOTHING gives anyone the right to loot, steal and vandalize any business like we saw. They should have all been arrested and charged. Just like all the people who broke into the capitol.
  3. You get the THANKS just for the last 2 sentences of your post!!!
  4. Doesn’t matter whether they wanted to damage or not. Should have never gone in the building to begin with. I don’t agree with the results of the election. I don’t think breaking into the capital would solve anything. It may come down to a civil war to fix this country. Who knows. Hope it doesn’t come to this.
  5. Whether the dems, republicans or whoever wanted National Guard troops there or not doesn’t matter. What matters is that people thought, and still think it was OK to go to the capital and break down the doors and windows to get inside. They should have had the National Guard there. And shot everyone trying to get inside the capitol. A lot cheaper than all these trials and investigations they have been having trying to find people who were inside
  6. My point was I’m not going to change the way I do thing’s because of this law. I’ve never had an issue transporting a firearm. Don’t see having an issue in the future. If what you have been doing has been working, keep doing it. Have a great Christmas Day!!!
  7. It doesn’t just have to be in a case, it has to be a case that locks, is tamper proof and has to be fire proof. How many people actually went out and bought one of those this year?? I didn’t even look for one. I transported my firearms like I always do. I’m always dressed in plain clothes as I never wear my hunting clothes until I get to the spot I’m hunting. When I’m done clothes and gun go back in the bed of the truck. How is anyone going to know you have a gun in your vehicle and you are leaving it “unattended”??
  8. Took this pic this morning. My dad bought this Ithaca deerslayer at Ralins on 9/14/73 for $79.99. Just looked at the “owner’s manual” down in my safe. He wrote the serial number, date purchased & price on the it. During the 2005 hunting season i met my dad in the woods one day while hunting. I told him I wanted that “willed” to me. He gave it to me for Christmas that year. Have hunted with it ever since. Can’t believe it’s been 17 years since he gave that to me.
  9. Go Army!! Love watching this game every year.
  10. Sorry about no deer for you. Also sorry you oldest is moving back home. Lol. My wife and I are empty nesters. Nice to have the kids come to visit. Moving back home…..plenty of apartments where we live. Good luck the rest of the season!!!
  11. Snow and light wind. And cold. Hate hunting in temps above 45 degrees.
  12. Anything below 40 degrees. No rain. Snow and a little wind is ok. 50 mph gusts, nope
  13. I don’t know if you have to have him with you or not. I would think if buying as a gift if you had hunter ed paperwork with you that you should be good to go. I would think you can do it online but i have had my lifetime for so long I don’t think they did sales online back then. I go to the town clerk to get my doe permits since it is a 2 minute drive from my house so I don’t even do those online. Lol. I get my license in the mail every year mid/late July.
  14. I don’t consider it to be “work” if you get something, just part of the process. If I set the alarm to get up and hunt I go. If I know the weather is going to be shitty I don’t set an alarm. I may be more selective on shooting something if I have plans that night and I am hunting an afternoon. With that said though I have missed or showed up late to birthday parties for nieces and nephews, friends kids etc. I even showed up late to my wife’s cousins wedding a few years ago because I shot a deer. (Cousins father is a hunter, he understood, but why you would let your daughter get married during hunting season is beyond my comprehension). My wife is more than understanding as she knew I was a hunter looonnng before we started dating and got married.
  15. It’s illegal to feed deer. Call the DEC!!
  16. Not a supporter of Biden. And I don’t have a better idea. But I will not vote for a shitty candidate. Half the Republicans that ran in the mid terms were shitty candidates. Which is why there was no big flush!!!!
  17. So people should vote for a shitty candidate just so Republicans can gain control of the senate?? Vote for a shitty candidate just to stop Bidens agenda??
  18. Unfortunately I think Trump will have a problem no matter who he is running against!!
  19. Good luck. Hope things are going good at West Point for your daughter. Make it through the first year and things get much easier. All the best to her. At school and in the woods today!!!!!!
  20. Been pretty quiet on here the last few days. Good luck to everyone heading out this weekend
  21. Can’t wait for those cold temps to get here. Done with summer weather. I’d be happy if the temperature didn’t get above 35 degrees for the rest of hunting season.
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